Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekends . . . are boring.

Yeah. It's kind of sad. You'd think there would be something cool going on, something to do. Nope. . . Not at all. There's nothing. . . It's sad.

I watched the newest Burn Notice episode. Hurray for Hulu. Michael Weston is amazing. Cute, too.

My roommates were all gone pretty much all day. Makes for a very quiet room when I'm the only one here. Generally, I wouldn't mind that, but like six hours of it? Yeah, that's a bit much. I wanted to be able to go downstairs and see what Mom was making for dinner. . . Unfortunately, I was in a dorm, not at home. . . Too bad for me, eh?

Steph and I hung out a bit tonight. That was nice. She was in a rotten mood though. Haha. I found it rather entertaining because she's usually pretty sweet and easy-going. It was funny. We watched some old Chuck reruns (on Hulu!! :))

So I've been reading Numbers waiting to read the story of Balaam and I made it there, and I found something I didn't remember before. Numbers 24: 17 - "...there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth." Never remember hearing that verse ever referenced from someone behind a pulpit. We all know the verses about the Rod of Jesse and the Root of David, but does anyone remember the Star out of Jacob or the Sceptre rising out of Israel? I didn't anyway.

Also, there's this verse in Exodus. . . Yeah, 24:10-11. Everyone knows that Moses went up into the mountain and God spoke with him. But here, the seventy elders all saw God too. They saw Him. I never knew that before. Maybe I did and I forgot, but I still found it rather amazing and awesome.

So I probably didn't get as much done today as I should have. I know I didn't get as much done as I could have. I so didn't feel like doing anything. . . Er, well, I didn't feel like doing any more reading. I would have jumped and giggled with joy had someone invited me to DO something. . . I ran back to my dorm while it was pouring out, and I did it barefoot. That was fun. I ate Steph's food and drank her water. That's not so fun. I always feel bad.

It's time to sleep. 'Night all.

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