Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Burning Time

Dave called me yesterday to talk about a book. It's nice how fantasy brings a family together. lol No, really. I like that we can enjoy the same things. Although, I probably have to read the book before I can really fully understand the extent of it's apparent awesomeness.

Mike blogged again. =) Pat on the head for you, brudder. And another one for working on Episode 14. :) These things doth make me of joyful heart. Hehe.

Another box of books came in but the post office is closed till 1:10, so I have to use up half an hour. If only the library computers still had IMing capabilities. . . . /sigh

?Como esta usted? (I need to figure out how to make one of those upside down question marks. . . Also, one of those "o"s in "como" is supposed to have a little ffft thing over it.) Muy bien, gracias. E tu? Regular (said completely different than the English "regular"). Sprechen se Deutch? Wait. . . Tres bien, merci? Oy vey. ;)

I like languages. They're so much fun. =)

Twenty-seven minutes. . . . Hmmmm. . . . I only have two classes on Tuesdays. :) It's nice. I should get a lot of stuff done, but whether or not I will is another matter. Hopefully. I'm really trying to have a good attitude and whatnot. I want to do well and I want to work hard, and I'm so tired already. It's only been a week and two and 1/2 days. . . . No, I have NOT been counting. :P lol

Why is it that the day I want to work out, we already did so it doesn't count for anything? Seriously. I don't think I'm going to be stressing out about good grades this semester. It's kind of nice and yet, kind of not, because when I stress, at least I get everything done that I need to. I'm not worried about school right now. And that's scary because then I'm going to get Cs and hate myself later. . . . Or maybe I'll never care. . . But I want to care. lol

I think I'm bugging Hannah. . . And Steph. It makes me feel bad, because I don't really mean to, and they act like they want to be your friend and get to know you better. Then they do, and I feel like I bother them. . . And I'm usually, generally pretty good about reading things like that. So I think I'm going to try to be less. . . . . I don't know, whatever it is that I'm being when they start to dislike me. lol Less talkative.

There's a girl's soccer game this afternoon. I don't want to go. At all. Hehe. I kinda feel bad for not being there to cheer them on, but at the same time, it's just not fun to watch girls. . . Where's the joy in seeing them run around? I saw that this morning in LF (what I shall now use to refer to Lifetime Fitness). I was one of them too. Let me tell ya, it's not that cool.

I had reading due last night that I didn't get done because I didn't have the book. So I'm excited that some more books came. I'm less excited that I got three wrong on my quiz today (7/10). It was sad. It was because I read the chapter like four days ago though. Next time I'll just read it the night/day before or something.

This post is getting pretty long and I still have fifteen minutes left. I've even done other things. My life is boring when I'm not in class. lol Oh, and just so the world knows, we still haven't had the big, warm pretzels yet. I'm getting a little bit unhappy with the kitchen staff. Bring back the pretzels!!!! ;)

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