Thursday, September 4, 2008


One day it's 90. The next day it's in the 50s and raining constantly. I'm definitely in Wisconsin.

I still don't have my books. . . It's bothering me. I'm trying not to worry about it. It isn't very easy not to, though. . .

I'm tired. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's all the rain.

I miss my family. It's weird - every now and then I feel like something is just missing. It happened last semester too, and I couldn't figure out what it was. I figured it out this time. I miss hugs. No one touches here. I think it's bad for you. I mean, it's been proven that babies need to be held and stuff. Why not the rest of us? I need a hug. There's no one here that I want a hug from though. . . Dilemma.

Sat next to this guy in church last night. I know him, sorta. We sat at the same table during lunch one day last semester and - like normal - I mostly just listened, so I learned a few things about him. Anyway. He was really tired last night. He kept nodding off. It was kind of cute, except that it was church. On the other hand, it was the evangelist with practically the same message that he's had since Monday morning. . . . Doesn't excuse it, but it's more understandable. . . Maybe? I don't know. Maybe not. Anyway. The guy reminded me of when Mike was nodding off that one day. Teehee.
/target Mike

I really want to take a little nap. . . I don't think I'd be able to sleep though. It's weird how lying down and closing my eyes turns my imagination on. Really.

Oh! In my Christian Life class today, Mr. Trainer was awesome. :) I really like him. He totally acted out one of David's mighty men of war in a battle. I mean, play by play of Shammah (I think that was his name. . .) standing in the middle of the field of beans and fighting off the Philistines. It was so funny because it doesn't seem like most teachers in a Christian school would pretend to be lopping people's arms and heads off, or standing there drenched in blood. I like people who are straight forward and bold and matter-of-fact about things. :) They're so much easier to understand, to talk to, and just to like. Quite a few of my teachers are like that this semester. Or so it seems thus far. :) Makes you want to do your best for them. . . People who are just who they are and too bad for you if you don't like it. =)

I need to go read something.

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