Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Abba Father

I was reading the other day in Exodus 3 (verse 15) and something interesting jumped out at me. It probably wouldn't have stuck except that I'm a mom now. On multiple occasions since Evelynn was born I've heard or been told that eventually I will now longer be "Jenn" to most people. I will be "Evelynn's mom." And then I read Exodus 3.

"...Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is My name forever, and this is My memorial unto all generations."

For a long time I've known that Jesus changed forever when He took on humanity. I've known that He will always have a human nature combined in perfect unity with His divinity. However, I had never realized that the entire Godhead had changed their identity in a way for the sake of His people.

Obviously I don't mean to say that God is different in His person or His essence. We know that God does not change in that way. But He changed in the way He made Himself known. He adopted us and made us His children. He is the God is Abraham and Isaac. And He will be forever.

For the rest of eternity He will be known as our Father, our Brother, our Guide. It's one of those things that I knewk but I had never really thought about. God can be identified by Us. By me. Just as I can be identified as Zack's wife or Evelynn's mom. How humbling and incredible! God chose to be known as My Father. Not just to love me and care for me but to tie His name to me.

That is a marvel to me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I was never one for clothes shopping growing up. It wasn't until I was nearing twenty that I finally realized going clothes shopping with the right person (people?) could even be fun. The only person I've really enjoyed it with (that I recall) is my mom, but I like to go by myself sometimes.

Consequently, I wasn't prone to spending my money on clothes. And therefore, I didn't have nearly as many clothes as many girls my age. I was never lacking and I don't regret it in the slightest, but now I'm discovering that you kind of have to buy clothes on a regular basis or you do run out. They get holes and stains - faster when you have a little one.

So I went shopping on Monday and bought three things from Goodwill (because I'd rather put in some extra time looking/sorting than have to spend $20-$30 on a pair of pants). And then I realized that, aside from one maternity shirt that I bought whilst pregnant, I hadn't bought myself any clothes in over a year. In fact, in the two years we've been married, I think I've bought myself four things total - two pairs of shorts, a dress, and that maternity shirt. I probably would have had to buy more, but my mama sends me boxes regularly and they often have clothes in them.

Anyway. It kind of hit me funny because I know more than a couple people who LOVE buying clothes - or they just spend a lot of money on a few nice things. So I thought it was interesting.

In other news I trimmed my hair, but I didn't really have enough time to do much styling with it, so it's safely tucked away in a pony tail where no one can really tell what it looks like until I have a chance to mess with it some more. :)

Last of all, we're on schedule to make it to the home Bible Study tonight. This will be only the second the time that I've been since Evelynn was born, but I'm hoping that (with the time change and her longer wake times now) we'll be able to get out every week again. :) Or at least, MOST weeks. Haha.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I feel bad for not having written anything lately, but life is busy these days. Evelynn is growing and changing and being as cute as ever, though her little sin nature is starting to make itself more and more evident. Her giggles are the cutest. Last night she giggled several times just from me talking to her; I was really happy that Zack was home to hear it. Her laughter usually comes in the evening time, which makes those nights when Zack is off more special, I think. Occasionally, he even gets home from work early enough to see her before she goes to bed for the night.

And to see me before I go to bed, too. Hahaha.

We're getting settled into a new place and there are several new possibilities coming up. The company Zack works for is expanding and putting new stores in mostly in Texas, but they're planning to move north from there into the Midwest. Who knows? In five years, maybe Michigan will have WinCo - I think my mother would like that. It's possible that God is going to move us out of California, which is somewhat exciting for me. I would prefer not to go to Texas, since I think it's actually even hotter there than where we are in CaliLand, but it would definitely be cheaper to buy a house.

After several months of not being able to actually be in a church service, I made it this past Sunday. Sadly, Zack was home sick with a stomach bug, but since he was able to watch over Evelynn (and church starts at the same time as her nap time, so she was sleeping almost the entire time), it worked out well. I was able to sing with the people and take communion and listen to the entire sermon without getting distracted by trying to keep a baby asleep.

I've thought about putting her in the nursery - particularly when her Grandma Shrout is in there - but I don't know if I'm ready to do that. It was really nice to be in church. It was amazing to actually be able to follow along in my Bible as we turned to different passages. But she's only four months old, and I think I would spend as much time wondering about how she was doing as I would normally spend trying to get her to sleep in my arms. Maybe in another month or so. . . Or maybe after the time change happens next week and her nap time isn't supposed to start when church does. Haha.

Speaking of the time change, I'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping that we can all adjust to the new time while Evelynn stays on roughly the same schedule. And thus, she will suddenly be getting up at 8:30 in the morning instead of 7:30. That would be pretty awesome thing.

Last of all, we've been working on our RPG. Zack has made a bunch of tiles and I've been putting them down into a map. It's quite fun, if a little time-consuming. There are a lot of things I would like to do these days, and I feel that I never have quite enough time. But I'm learning that it's okay not to get EVERYTHING done - as long as I get some things done every day, it's enough.