Thursday, September 25, 2014


I actually feel ready. It's really weird. It's not like a, "I want this baby to be here so badly!" ready. More like, I just feel.... prepared. I feel like there's not really anything left to do. The house is as ready as it's going to get. I'm as ready as I'm going to get. I feel like I've come to terms with what's ahead and I'm ready.

It's weirding me out. I don't ever feel ready. I haven't felt ready for something of any import since I was in like 8th grade. I didn't feel ready when I stopped studying; I just figured it was time to stop studying. Haha. I didn't feel ready when I quite practicing playing the piano for church; it just wasn't going to get any better. So.... yeah, it's weird.

I have started getting excited though, which is probably a relief to my husband and mother. I just don't get excited for things that are far away. There's too much in between now and then to get excited about it. Haha. But I'm getting a little bit excited. It helps that it's actually Fall and the weather today has made it feel SO much closer. It actually rained for like four hours this morning. It was awesome. Waking up at 6am with the sound of rain coming from the window and actually being snuggled under the blankets - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It MIGHT rain tomorrow. I'm hopeful.

I've felt generally good this pregnancy. More aches and pains, but way less tiredness once I got through the beginning. The first trimester was harder, but the second and third have been easier, I think. I don't feel like I've actually gotten bigger for a bit now, so that's kind of nice. For a week or so, I felt so tight, I was sure that the stretch marks were going to blossom any day.
So now we wait. :) Wait for time to keep flying by (it's gone SO FAST!). And then he'll be here, and time will keep going by, I just probably won't be able to notice it for a while. Haha. I'm really glad that Zack gets more time off this time around. I know it's going to help all of us a lot. :)