Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well, I'll try to be quick about it. Sometimes I start blogging and it just won't end though. Moving on.

Today has been okay. Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes I have more interaction with guys. lol Which is nice. It's better than last year's debacle. Hah.

OT quiz went well. Got a 20/20. Bib. Counseling quiz went alright 9 out of possibly 12, but only supposed to be 10, so. . . Not great, not terrible. Funny part? I didn't do the reading last night because the summary isn't due till tonight. So . . . Yeah, it didn't click. Plus, I spent a lot of time on other things last night.

Should I get a job? I don't know. I don't want to work banking hours. I don't particularly want to work at fast food either. Does it really matter though what I want? Honestly? I don't have money. Shouldn't that mean that I go get a job? I don't want to kill myself like I see other people doing though. On the other hand, I don't want to do less than I could because I'm afraid of killing myself. . . Balance is such a hard thing to find.

It was cool to read Uncle Matt's new post about his book. Very interesting.

I don't think I'm going to go to the gym today. I think there are three types of pain. Good pain (like muscle soreness), bad pain (when SOMEthing is definitely wrong), and bad pain with an explanation (such as, you pulled a muscle; you know why it hurts so you don't worry about it, but it's still not good). I've been having bad pain. Don't know why, but it's not good, and yesterday it got worse while I was walking. So. . . Gonna give it a rest today. I'm going to try to get all my 10,000 steps in. Just no aerobic moving for 30 minutes.

I feel really tired right now. . . I need to practice the piano. I think I will do that this afternoon.

Only missing one book now. At least I'm not getting cumulatively behind in it.

Mike needs to work faster on Episode 14. Hah. 'Cause I don't have enough other things to read.

Till next time.


David said...

You could always read "The Name of the Wind"

Varda said...

lol Except that I don't have it. :P