Friday, September 5, 2008

Doesn't feel that late

Maybe it's because the sun is now shining brightly after being hidden by clouds all morning. Or maybe it's because I took a little nap/thing, but it really doesn't feel like it should be 5:30 right now. 3:30 maybe. But not after five. I ought to get ready to go to dinner.

I just found out that some of my books just got shipped today. . . . I need to be reading them already. /sigh Trying not to worry.

I only have six classes this year. I think that's kind of neat.

There's a concert tonight being performed by two Russian pianists. I'm not sure why they're here, but they are and Steph and I are going to take advantage of it.

It's been a lot easier to talk to people this semester. I think I came last year and the first week or two I didn't want to talk to anyone and then I kind of got stuck there. It's been different this year. I think people like me less now. lol Oops? Spanish class is going to be fun.

I need to go to Walmart this weekend to get supplies. Also, a pair of really loose black pants so I can walk around campus after 6pm wearing slacks. But they have to be checkable, thus the "really loose" part. Seriously, they have to be like falling off. . . People need to figure out the different between fitting and being tight. But anyway. I need to get ready. Even though I'm not entirely hungry. Oh well. I have to eat fruit and vegetables. Because I only ate one vegetable for lunch and I didn't have any fruit. . . Shame on me. And I did eat icecream. See, this is what happens when I'm happy. When I'm happy, I eat whatever I want. When I'm more tense/stressed, I eat less and exercise more. So me being happy isn't good for me. lol Oh well. I like being happy.

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