Monday, October 27, 2008

Snow!!! :D

It's about time it snowed. I mean, it's already late October. Don't worry though; most likely it'll get pretty warm again in November. /sigh I like winter. I like the cold. And I like snow. Mostly, I like wind. Wisconsin's wind doesn't disappoint. =)

I found out today that I was five more days than I thought till I get to go home. . . . It made me sad. I miss home. I miss our yard. And I miss jumping on the trampoline in the fall. I miss Mike randomly deciding that we should go throw the football around for a while. I miss Katie coming and singing with me at the piano. I miss my piano, out of tune as it is.

Midterm grades came in today. I have four As, an A-, and one B. Not bad, but I'm not taking very many credits. I kind of wish I had more and then sometimes I'm happy with how it is. I don't know what to do next though. I mean, I have a plan. . . . I'm just not crazy wild about it. Oh well. Guess you just learn to deal with some things.

I came into this semester and looked at my four roommates and was worried about only one. Funny thing, she's now like my favorite. Hehe. It's weird. Last semester I kind of thought she was stuck up and not friendly and kind of crabby all the time. She's not. She's just rough around the edges a bit, which I actually find refreshing after spending time with my other roommates. lol Jess is a total goody-two-shoes and very opinionated about it. VERY opinionated. I thought I was bad. Not even close. And Brie just acts really blonde. I tend to have little patience with people like that. Which is not to say I don't get along with them. I do. We hang out quite a bit. It's just refreshing to have Ally around now and then.

Who is the fourth roommate you ask? Hannah. She's cool. She's probably the most balanced of us all. She's smart and down to earth and yet she can have the most hilarious blonde moments. She's just incredibly busy and so I hardly see her. Which is much like it was last semester too. Hehe.

I have all my homework done early today. And I'm ahead again in my OT reading. Yay! :) That was a total accident. Hehe. I thought all of Job was due today but it was only the first half. So now I'm like 30 chapters into Psalms. Whoohoo. :) I'm going to try to get way ahead in that over Thanksgiving too. Not sure how well that will work, because I don't generally do well with school on vacations, but I can try. I should probably do more homework tonight and I probably will just because going to sleep before 11pm is pretty much impossible for me in a room with four other people. . . /shrug

I've been saying "like" more. . . . . It bothers me. Pretty much all my roommates say it twice a sentence. Or more sometimes. It bothered me more at the beginning of the semester, but I guess I got used to it. Thankfully, I haven't started typing with an excessive amount of "like"s yet. Hehe. If I do, someone hunt me down and slap me.



Carpenter said...

Yeah it snowed...yippee. :(

Varda said...

It's not like it stayed. . . No need to be all unhappy 'bout it. lol

Carpenter said...

Have you considered that could be why I am unhappy?

Varda said...

Yeah, but it didn't seem like it went with your post.