Friday, October 10, 2008

Today is Friday

I didn't do so well this week blogging. Sorry. It wasn't such a good week till yesterday. And there still hasn't been a lot to blog about.

My brother got engaged. :) It makes me happy. I get to be the Maid of Honor. =)

This morning I was going to wear one of my necklaces and I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked and didn't know where it could have been because I wasn't seeing it anywhere. So I went through the whole day praying that I'd find it. Then I looked again and it was right where it was supposed to be; it'd just been hidden by other things. It made me feel happy and stupid at the same time. lol

I don't know what to do with my life. Or rather, I don't know what God wants me to do with my life. It's hard when you think you're supposed to be something, but you have no control whatsoever on actually becoming it. . . /shrug

God is good to us; He gives us friends and family. And then He uses random things they say that really don't apply at face-value, but you just KNOW that it was completely of God. And your friend has no clue whatsoever that what they just said was used of God to smite you and reveal problems in your life. Unless you're like me and you tell them . . . And then they get completely confused. Hehehe. Life is good.

I need to brush my teeth. They feel dirty and it's bothering me. . . .

I wish I had a guy friend to do stuff with. lol Even if he didn't like me, like me. Guys are just more fun. . . . Actually, I really wish my brother were out here. . . . I would have so much more fun. =) Probably get less homework done. . . . But oh well. =D

I want Animal Crackers. . . Hehe.

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