Friday, October 3, 2008

End of the Week

Yay! :) It's Friday. Yay again! =D

So Wednesday was not a good day. I don't like Wednesdays. Thursday I slept a lot. It was good for me - I needed it. Today has been rather good. :) Which is very nice.

I had a sort of spiritual eye-opener while I was showering today. Then I started to wonder what people did back when they didn't have showers. When, or rather where, did they have great discoveries? I've figured out a lot of things while washing my hair. Haha.

We watched the Vice-Presidential Debate last night here at school. There was a big Republican gathering and we all watched it and cheered for Palin. Hehe. She did well, I thought. I really like her now.

Tomorrow we're having another Dorm Society event. It costs money. . . Oh well. Hopefully, it'll be fun and there will be lots more guys there. Ha.

Well, I need to get ready for dinner. It's about that time. :)


Carpenter said...

Hey Elicia. I'm Carpenter, Sam Carpenter. I'm a good friend of Aaron Finley and since it's only you and I that have been reading Aaron's blog, I thought I would read yours. :)


Varda said...

lol Yeah. . . I know who you are. I've been reading your blog too. lol

Varda said...

Oh and thanks for commenting. No one ever comments on my blog. . .