Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday again. . . Yay?


Saturdays are pretty boring/ugh. Either I do homework, or I do nothing. . . The homework makes the rest of the week a little easier, but usually it doesn't seem to do enough to put up with it. I did some. I always do SOME. But not very much. . . I hate Saturdays. I have for quite a while. Like since high school. They're just. . . They need a schedule. There should be something cool/fun/interesting that happens on Saturdays. There isn't. They're just boring.

II Chronicles is a lot more interesting in the first few chapters than I Chronicles was. Although both of 'em are a lot of what I read in I and II Kings. . . Oh well. You gotta do whatcha gotta do. (I like how the Firefox/Mozilla spellchecker highlights "whatcha" but not "gotta" as spelled incorrectly. Hehehe. That's so. . . wrong. Haha.)

There's this guy that I'm arguing with about Limited Atonement. He seems to think that since because Christ came so that everyone could get saved, that they've all been declared innocent/justified by God. . . . It was rather surprising to me what his stance on the subject was, 'cause I never thought he was that far out there. I mean, I knew about some stuff we disagreed, but they were the less foundational doctrines. Not whether or not God sends people to Hell. . . . Kinda thought we were on the same page with that one. Oh, well.

People don't call me. Well. . . That's not true. Mike calls me. :) On occasion. When he has good news. =) Dave writes me emails saying I owe him money. (Like the contrast between brothers there? Hehehe.) Speaking of which, I need to write him back. . . Hmm. Anyway. People don't generally call me. I call some people. There are other people I would call if I had their number. . . . Or if they had phones. Hehehe. But the people I call don't usually call me. Makes me think that they don't want to talk to me so I shouldn't call them. . . Ever. Sometimes I do anyway. Haha. =D

I should probably call Robin at some point. It's been a while since we've had a good conversation. I miss her. We always had good conversations. Often very . . . . spiritually uplifting conversations too. She's a good friend. She keeps in touch with me - I don't always have to initiate it. It's nice. :)

It's Sweetest Day. . . Apparently this is a Mid-western US thing. . . . I didn't know that till today. I thought it was everywhere. Well. . . At least in the US.


Carpenter said...

Sorry to hear that your saturdays are boring...personally I enjoy them but MY favourite part of the weekend is Friday, later afternoons!! I'll have to write to you sometime since you feel so lonely. What's your address? You can send it to me via e-mail since blogs aren't the most secure.


Varda said...

You had it at one point because we emailed about the airsoft party details. (Speaking of which, we should have another one of those. =D lol But anyway.) Unless you lost it. . . . *tsk, tsk* ;) It's a gmail account.

Carpenter said...

Yes, but I never once had your mailing-address.Which is my point. :P