Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Not to be a downer, but I think the Hussein-Biden ticket is going to win.

I voted today. It was cool. I didn't really think it'd be anything special, maybe just kind of nerve-wracking 'cause I didn't really know what I was doing, but it was actually rather thrilling. Afterward, I was walking out, and I was thinking, "Ya know. . . I just voted for a presidential candidate. I just voted for some good pro-life US Representatives. How cool is that!!" It was easy too. Except there were two referendums on there and I had no idea what they were about. I didn't vote on them. That kinda made me feel bad. But no one ever talked about them! There was no literature handed out about 'em. None of the professors mentioned them. I didn't even know they were going to be on there. I suppose it's my fault. Yeah, okay, it's completely my fault. /sigh

I only had one class today because the other one got canceled. It was awesome. Wonderful day. I slept. lol I probably shouldn't have though because I felt kinda yucky when I woke up. Oh well. Now I can stay up late studying for my test en espanol. Bleh. Hehe.

I finished my job today. Took me about five hours to decipher and type up 18 pages of hand-written notes. The cool part is five hours is pretty much exactly what I'd estimated it would take after I saw the papers. I like it when that happens. :)

I'm still sick. You'd think with all the sleep I've been getting and all the oranges I've been eating, that I'd be better by now. . . . Well, as long as I'm better by Saturday, I'll be happy. At least better enough that I can sing. I should probably explain why. . . . . (Tempting not to, but probably no one would care if I didn't. . . . . Whatever. lol)

So Saturday a group of us Spanish-speaking students are going to this church in Brookside for their anniversary (3rd year of their Spanish outreach ministry). We're going to go and sing and I might be playing the piano and I don't really know what else is going on. I think someone is preaching. . . I hope it's not all in Spanish, because I really don't understand much, but it should be cool. The only uncool part about it, is that Dr. Morales isn't going. It's his son's birthday. . . . :( Oh well. Happy birthday, Drew.

My mom needs to write me an email. Or maybe I need to write her. . . . She's in Florida, and I'm starting to feel the effects of being deprived of my daily dose of home news.

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