Friday, November 14, 2008


I hate arguments. Debates, discussions - those are fine. Arguments, I'm beginning to despise. Arguments seem to be for the sake of contention, or the result of foolishness or outright sin. I hate them. I hate them yet the more when I'm the cause of them.

I think I made Dr. Morales rather unhappy with me today. I told him that telling us to memorize the whole chapter for the quiz when that's all we have to know for the test in two weeks didn't make much sense. But really, am I wrong? Quizzes are supposed to be parts of the chapter to help you learn each section before the test, aren't they? I don't get it. . . Oh well. I think he tends to get defensive easily because he's been attacked and stepped on before. . . . Hm.

5-page paper due Monday for my Biblical Counseling class. The only part about it that worries me is that we have to have 5 sources. I don't really understand the reason for sources. If what you say is logical and Biblical, what's the point of showing that other people agree with you? Why do people have to have the reassurance that other people agree with my point of view in order to change? Another mystery. I can understand if someone WANTS to put them in because other people have said things better. But to require them? . . . /shrug

My cousin and I have each been taking a Psalm per day and focusing on one statement that we get from it about God throughout the day. Well. . . Actually, I'm not really sure what exactly she's doing with it. . . . But we're keeping each other accountable to read a Psalm every day BEFORE school or work or whatever. Today's statement was, "The LORD is my King." Two days ago it was, "The LORD is my Father." There's an awful lot that goes into those few words. It's kind of incredible.

The past few days have been dreary and rainy. Cold rain makes me feel down. Snow makes me happy. . . Hehe.

Random info: Did you know that a "chemical imbalance" can't actually be proven as a real thing? So all those anti-depressant drugs? Yeah, no one knows how they work. Which makes complete sense as to why some people react completely differently to them than others. Why do some people get more depressed when they're on anti-depressants? 'Cause who knows what the drug is really doing! Also, bi-polar or manic-depressant isn't really a sickness or anything. It's just a description of behavior. I thought that was really interesting. . .

If I say or do something that strikes you as particularly arrogant, slap me. Or . . . the internet equivalent of a slap, I guess. I've been noticing an awful lot of pride in my life lately, so at least don't let me exercise it if you can help me, okay? Thanks!


David said...

The reason you need sources is the same reason you can't just say you are a Biblicist. You say Calvinist to show how you interpret the Bible.

But there are tons of people who will say anything, and thus, you need people, proven in their fields, to support you. That is dealing with what is Biblical. . .who is to say your argument is logical? And thus, sources. It is a good habit anyway.

But I'm guessing in whatever class this is, it is just to get you used to the process. He doesn't really need to know other people agree with you. He just needs to know you know how to find those that agree with you.

Miss you. :)

Varda said...

. . . Fine, go ahead and be that way, proving to me there are good reasons. . . . Psh! ;) j/k That makes sense. I guess. . . lol It's still a pain, but oh well. I miss you too. :)