Sunday, November 23, 2008

3rd Try

This is the third time this week that I've tried to write a blog entry. We'll see how it goes.

Church tonight was really good. It was from Micah 6: 1-8. Mostly verse 8 though. It was kind of interesting because I've been thinking about the need for humility a lot lately, and tonight that was one of the main points, and Pastor Loggans was talking about how we can be humble. Not that I'd never heard it before, or didn't know it, but it was different tonight because it really. . . applied directly, right now. It was cool. He also made an interesting correlation between thankfulness and humility as opposed to pride and ingratitude. That one I hadn't really realized before. Which was also cool.

These pringles have too much salty grease on them. . . Yet I still eat them. /shrug Addictive stuff.

It's only two days till Thanksgiving Break. =D How awesome is that! I'm excited. Well, I've been excited for like . . . a month, hehe. But I'm really excited. And it's only like 32 days till Christmas. When I come back from Break, I'll have, I think 20 days left of school. =) That is an awesome thought. I get to go home and stay home. :)

Water is good. It really is. For this health class I took, we had to drink 64 ounces of water every day. (Well, we were supposed to. . . Didn't really HAVE to.) It's crazy how much better you feel when you're drinking a bunch of water. Friday I didn't drink hardly anything. My skin dried out so badly. It was awful. Painful too. lol I still haven't recovered. Haha.

I think that Thanksgiving is going to be a smaller group this year. Hmm. Oh well. We'll persevere. =) Maybe we can play football! :D Futbol americano. Teehee. I have a Spanish test tomorrow that I haven't really studied for yet. I'll have to make my brother play a little no matter what. Bwahahaha! ;)

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