Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Ending. . .

"It's the ending, the ending of our story. The ending. The ending!"

Ahem. I have to go back to school tomorrow. . . It's really hard. Even if it is only for two and 1/2 weeks. . . It's rough. It's also really rough trying to do homework while you're at home relaxing. I mean, it's called Break for a reason. Oh well. Things must be done.

Good points about this week: 1) I got to see my family. :) I've missed 'em. 2) Jess came with. Made it more interesting. 3) Got to have Thanksgiving Dinner twice! Hehehe. There was so much pie. . . 4) I figured out that I don't have to get a new bow for my violin! =D And had an awesome time playing it. *content sigh* I love my violin. 5) I get to see my church people tomorrow. :) Yes, I called them "MY church people." Because you know what? They're family too. :) 6) I get to play in church tomorrow. It's been a while, and I miss it sometimes. Not the offertory, but the congregational playing. I miss that. 7) My car is still running. That's kind of amazing. 8) Oh, and it only cost me $14 to fill up. Not that it was on empty. But still. When I went to school at the beginning of the semester, that much gas would've cost me closer to $35. That's a big difference. 9) I've gotten hugs this week. :) Blessed family. 10) I have the most amazing parents.

Well, anyway. I didn't have a lot to say. Just not looking forward to going back, but so happy that I was able to come home. :) Holidays really are necessary things. =)

Happy Thanksgiving.

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