Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heaven is a Wonderful Place

So church on Sunday was pretty awesome. My husband preached - which is a very interesting thing. I used to wonder what it was like to be the wife of the preacher and sitting there in church listening to him. But that's digression.

Church was pretty awesome because God gave me this little epiphany type of thing about the Trinity. The topic of the Trinity has been coming up with some regularity for a while now. At home, at church, at the Tuesday night Bible study. And there's been this disconnect with me about this one aspect. I don't really know if I could adequately explain it, but Sunday, Zack said it in a way that I finally understood. "Jesus has always been the revelation of the Father."

To say that Jesus is the revelation of the Father to me makes it sound like the Bible. But the Bible wasn't always there. It was revelation. It came AFTER something. But Jesus has always been the revelation of the Father. That's Who He is.

I know I don't understand that as much as I want to, but it was pretty awesome. And then Zack was talking about Heaven, and having just had this new bit of understanding opened for me, I suddenly got really excited about Forever. Because Forever is going to be one little bit of understanding after another, after another; and it's never going to stop!

Heaven is going to be forever seeing a new bit of an infinite God. It's like a never-ending Christmas. Think of all the nice things about Christmas. The songs - there will tons of singing in Heaven. The people - being with family and friends; in Heaven we'll have ALL the family that's gone on before along with billions of new siblings that we never knew before! The gifts - God has already lavished so much on us. Even if, IF, He didn't do anything new for us (which I find pretty much impossible to believe), since we'll be perfect then, we'll be able to appreciate everything He's done in the past with so much more clarity.

And you know how things are better when you have someone else to get excited about it with you? We're going to be surrounded with people who are just as thrilled and excited about God and who are going to be rejoicing with us perfectly! There won't be anyone around that you won't be able to start talking to about what God has done for you and what He taught you recently.

I was also thinking about how God made us all with different strengths and different forms of creativity. I think we tend to think of Heaven as being very limited in scope. We tend to think only of the more pious things here on Earth as being "worthy" of Heaven, so to speak. We'll sing praises and listen at His feet like Mary. I don't think that's all we'll do. I think we'll have places to go and be creative; I think I'll still write poems in Heaven. And King David will write more psalms. And Zack will play his violin. And my mother-in-law will have a garden. And someone will be training the dog and pony show.

Because part of absorbing good is having an outlet for it. We're not just sponges. We absorb and then we turn around and spin it out again in a way that means something specific to us. I think our creativity may be one of the things that most proves that we are made in the image of God. Whether we're painters or musicians or dancers or baseball players, we all have something that we are good at or that we REALLY enjoy. Can you imagine the football games we could have in Heaven? =D

And the greatest thing about it all that is it will ALL be GOOD - because it will ALL be for God. It will be what it's supposed to be here. It will all be from hearts overflowing with joy and praise and love and worship. And no matter what we do, whether we eat or drink or sleep, whether we sit or stand, whether we are silent or shouting with all the power in our body, it will finally ALL be to the glory of God!


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