Sunday, March 25, 2007


Floofy skirts are great. Just thought I'd say that. They're comfy, cute, and you can wear them any time of the year. Kudos.

I've been extremely stressed out this weekend and I don't know why. Well. . . I was stressed Friday because I was afraid that I wasn't going to get any sleep and then I was never going to recover from a week of work. (I need (like) one night of nine-ten hour sleep per week, which is not going to happen when I have to get up around 6am every morning for work.) However, it turned out that I went to bed at a semi-decent time (I think) and slept for at least eight (probably around nine) hours. Go me. :)

Then there was Saturday, which was mostly boring. I got to watch some movies I wanted to see (I forgot my mom's pans though at my cousin's house (Sorry!)) and mostly did. . . nothing. Good day of rest. That night though. . . . . well, I was watching two of my cousins with their boyfriends and then there were two of my cousins with their wives. . . and. . . Oy, I felt lonely. It's nights like that that I am SO thankful I have brothers. And for some reason my guy cousins were really nice to me. . . I think they knew I was having problems. Not like I was hiding it, but still. It was really nice. Blessings on them all. Love you guys.

So I need to do some type of activity every day. Supposedly walking is like the best thing for you, but I hate walking in place. I mean, I don't like walking outside that much, but it's not as bad. Walking in the living room to a video without really getting anywhere sounds so. . . . EW! So I keep thinking I'm going to get a gym membership (I just found out that my cousin did and I was like, "Wha!?") or go to a hotel and use their pool or something, but. . . everybody is like, "Don't spend the money, you'll regret it. You won't stick with it." It makes me wonder. . . . If everybody were just more supportive and reinforced what I was thinking, if it wouldn't work better than saying, "Oh, don't do it! You'll regret it!" . . . . I'll never know though. I'm not going to (you can all be happy) because I think I'd end up hating it just as much as walking at home, but. . . I hate not to try, ya know? What if I don't mind it? I'm so different when I'm not at home. . . Ugh. I hate not knowing what to do. And I've been experiencing that an awful lot lately. *sigh*

Let's take a vote: Should I go to college for the Fall semester or not? Yea or Nay, cast your vote. Shall I flip a coin? Call it in the air. *moments later* I flipped a penny four times and three of those it was tails. You didn't call it though, so I guess we'll have to wait for the voting results.

1 comment:

David said...

Yeah, I used to wonder if things wouldn't be different if people were positive. It drow me nuts that the repsonse was always "You won't last more than a week." That's enouragement for ya. But I don't think your repsonses were quite that bad. But in the end others opinions don't matter. My diet worked b/c i kept with it, not b/c people said go for it Dave. . .b/c they didn't.