Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Yippee! We all get to get drunk! Hoorah!

That was a mockery of people, just so ya know. What is St. Patrick's Day about? It's a day to get drunk. Therefore, utterly useless to Christians.

I'm told I don't post enough. I think I post plenty. Seriously, I don't have that much to talk about (or that much to talk to you people about; Teehee! I called you "you people" on here. *burst into fits of giggles*)

I got to sleep in today. :D Blessed slumber. Ah, how I love to sleep. And dream. Dreamless sleep is mostly annoying, because it's like wasted time. I mean seriously, you spend like seven hours doing nothing and don't even get a good memory from it. Come on!

I had fun dreams last night. I like to remember them, but lots of people don't like to hear them, so I'll not bore you. (Anymore than necessary, that is.)

I asked for the days off so I could go see the play my cousin is in (HMS Pinafore) even though I'm not positive I want to go. . . It's not really the play. I want to see the play. I want to be there at Maranatha to see the campus and stuff. I'm just not sure I want to spend eight hours in a car with my grandma and little sister. . . . I love them much. It's just. . . . Eight hours in a car together? . . . Yeah. I don't like spending eight hours straight with anyone, let alone in a small vehicle that's baking in the sun.

Grapes are only good if they're perfect.

Why are some people so easy to insult? It's like they just bait you, but then they have no come-back. Teehee.

Why are some people so dumb? And think they're funny? 'Cause they're children. They just haven't ever grown up mentally.

So yesterday at work, I needed an extra cup o' mayo for an order (Some of you have heard this story already), but I didn't know how to ring it up on the new computers, so I just yelled back to the grill area that I needed it. Jarred (manager who's only arrived about ten minutes earlier and was in the office till about twenty seconds ago: ie, he has no idea what's going on) comes up and says, "No, she doesn't." I repeated that I needed it, arguing with him to Beth (who was in grill) that I did need it. But who is she going to believe? Me, the normal employee? Or Jarred, the manager? She was leaning toward believing him obviously. Eventually, we get so loud that Jen (the floor manager and therefore, in charge) comes out of DT and says, "I don't need it!" Jarred raises his hands in victory and walks away, while I'm saying, "I do!"

Apparently Beth doesn't hear me though because I stand there waiting and she does nothing till I say, "I need that cup of mayo!" Finally, I get it and hand it to the poor customer. All because a guy (with his enormous ego) stepped in and said he knew more than he did. I could have clobbered him. Actually, I probably could deck him. . . . Hmmm. I resisted the urge and silently fumed, hoping that the other Jen woud give him a thorough verbal lashing.

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