Thursday, February 22, 2007


I was reading this thing on the internet and the background color was all blue. I looked down at my hands and everything looked really red. I wonder if that would work with colors like yellow and purple. Because, what really is the opposite color of yellow?

People who have natural comedic timing are lucky. People who can think quickly on their feet are lucky too. I'm jealous.

Is jealousy a bad thing? Not envy, mind you. Jealousy. Jealous of people's time or attention. Is it wrong? Hmmmm. . . . Probably one of those "depends on the extent" things.

Caesar III is a good game, but it gets hard. I like the easy levels at the beginning. lol I wonder if there's a way to set it so that you start with a ton of money and lots of stuff right at the beginning. . . . Hmmmm. Probably is. *evil grin*

I need to go buy yarn tomorrow. Bleh. And I need to finish that silly application. . . . Louder bleh.

What do you say to someone who has three kids, isn't married, and tells you her "hunny" sent her a song and she wants you to listen to it? . . . I listened to it. I'm thinking I shoulda said something about how messed up her life is by now (in less alienating terms, perhaps). :/

I have a theory. Introverts think less about themselves and more about the people around them. That's why they're so quiet - they don't find themselves interesting enough to talk about, but everyone else is. Extroverts are more self-involved and thus are always vying for attention because their focus is on themselves. That's why they talk so much.

Just a theory.

I need someone who'll talk to me. . . Just spout things off continuously about their day/friends/work/life. It's completely relaxing.

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