Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The sun will come out tomorrow.

Actually, the sun is shining today and was out yesterday too.

My brother is getting married at the end of May. I'm the Maid of Honor in the wedding. I was very excited to be asked, kinda surprised, but very happy. I'm realizing now that I don't have the slightest idea what I'm doing. . . And that half the duties that are generally the maid of honor's have been done by my brother or my mom. . . Makes me feel entirely undeserving. My brother said that maybe my mom should be the maid of honor. Even though it probably won't change (and I don't want it to change), I'm thinking maybe he had a good idea. . . . :/

I have a pretty boring life right now. If not for downloading a bunch of old Sierra "quest" games, I probably would have gone crazy.

Boring lives make for short blog posts. . .

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