Monday, December 15, 2008

Why I'm not a Music Major

A) They kill themselves with practice time. Aside from all their other homework.
B) Generally speaking, they're not organized (or very logical) and they speak of things in very vague terms.
C) When I have to play in front of people, I start shaking. And it doesn't go away with time - it gets worse. If I were to have a half-hour platform, it would look like I was having a seizure.

So there you have it. Music majors are definitely their own breed - and they know it.

I took my first final this morning. Probably one of my easier ones, but since I had to play in front of my teacher and Mrs. Loggans (another piano teacher), I was nervous. My pedal foot/leg started shaking around the transition between Hymn 1 and Hymn 2 and would not be still. At least my hands were mostly good till I was done - then they started in as well. Hehehe.

I have another one (final) after chapel. I'm not really worried about it. It's Lifetime Fitness. /shrug

After that, we get to go clean for White Glove Check. . . . Yay. . . . :P I will say one thing about having more people in the room - you have less responsibilities. Especially if you take up the least amount of room. =) I'm mostly packed already. Makes me feel like I should be leaving this afternoon, but alas. 96 hours from now, I'll be leaving. . . I think. . . Around there.

It's extremely cold today. You can tell because the sun is shining. . . . lol My car was frozen shut this morning. The lock on my driver's side door is frozen too - couldn't get it open at all. I just had to pull really hard on the passenger side (after unlocking it) and it opened. Same with my trunk. I think I'll run my car for a little while and get it warmed up and then maybe it'll unlock again. Not that I really need it to, I guess. It doesn't seem like it'd be good for it though. . . Maybe it doesn't matter. /shrug What do I know about cars. lol Well, I should probably get over to chapel.

I have a huge Spanish test tomorrow that I'm not looking forward to at all. . . . So if anyone reading this (Aside from Mom, cause I know you're already praying. :)) would feel so inclined to offer up a request on my behalf, I'd appreciate it. I feel like I've been Spanish-ed out already, and it's a 14-page test. . . . Anyway. Off I go. Have a good day. Stay inside if you can.

Oo! I forgot! Something good - It was raining last night and then obviously the temperature fell drastically, and yet there really isn't that much ice, which is kind of amazing. :) I thought I might be slipping all the way up from the dorm. =D

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