Sunday, December 28, 2008


I started thinking in poetry lines this morning during church, as it happens occasionally. The subjects of my poems are often spiritual, so it seems to fit. Usually it's just a few lines or so, but this time I just kept going. My mind was in the right groove, I guess. Anyway, I started working on it tonight again, and I ended up with a page of poetry and I felt like posting it. So, here it is. I think I may end up adding more to it at some point. It seems. . . . unfinished. Too vague.

Chief of Sinners

The chief of sinners! that is me
The chief of sinners, now I see.
My heart is black, so dark with sin
My eyes are blind - can't see within
My ears so dull drown all else out
No more my conscience, seared, does shout
Twas all shoved back out of my way
For self I lived from day to day
Without a care but for my life
No thoughts to spare for others' strife
More terrible still, I see it clear,
No words of God would I dare hear
I shunned the thought and banned all talk
Of Christ and God and righteous walk
And then one day, I heard to me
Something none other could foresee
Only God in His matchless grace
Would think to save me from the race
To death - the road I'd tread before
Now by His love, I tread no more.
When He called, I could but obey
I knew He was the only way
His voice so quiet, strong and firm
My heart did change! Now I do yearn
To find Him - He Who ope'd my eyes
To have Him, love Him - greatest prize.
And now as His beloved child,
I find within Him nothing mild.
His pow'r and glory have no end
And at His side I'll stand a friend.
A friend of God! How can it be?
What glory is this gift to me?
To think that one day I shall see
My God - with Him to ever be.

1 comment:

Heirron said...

I like the poem. :) And it doesn't seem too vague to me at all. It expresses nicely moving away from God and then being called back. In fact, I would venture to say that the lack of specific details keeps the point from being muddied, and makes it more relate-able. But yeah, me likey. :)