Friday, August 22, 2008

Recovery is boring.

So I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out this morning. It was kind of weird. I don't remember going to sleep or waking up. It just sorta happened. I never really felt the effects of the drugs on my brain. My body on the other hand, was having problems. When I started thinking coherently (or, at least when I remember thinking coherently), I couldn't make my eyes work. Which was extremely frustrating when people are saying things like, "Open your eyes, Jenn. Keep your eyes open. If you can't keep your eyes open we're going to have to put you in a recovery room." I think they should have a piece of paper and a pencil ready for when you wake up. You can't communicate, but everyone is talking to you like you're five, telling you what to do. I firmly believe when anyone wakes up from anything like that, you should give them a minute. On the other hand. . . . I'm not sure when I woke up, so maybe they did. . . . But somehow I doubt it.

My legs weren't going so well either, which was weird, because my arms were perfectly fine. (I thought it was really odd.) And I couldn't look around without my head feeling like it was going to spin off my shoulders. You'd think they might tell you these things beforehand. . . . /shrug Actually, the worst part was that I couldn't stop crying. Why was I crying? Good question. I really have no idea. Except that not being able to see has always freaked me out, and like I said, I was having problems with my eyes. It lasted for like an hour after I got home to. Every five minutes or so I started crying. It was really annoying, and then I started snapping at Mom when she was trying to do nice things for me. (She made me a chocolate shake; it was so sweet. . . ) That just made me feel worse, and here come the waterworks. . . . Bleh.

Anyway, I suppose that's far too much complaining. It went fine, and I didn't have to hang around the place in a recovery room. I haven't been able to sleep though. Actually, I feel incredibly restless. . . . I think it's bothering Mom. . . :D She's so great.
I think she made a trip to the store just because I wanted Macaroni and Cheese. . . . :)

My teeth/gums hurt pretty badly, but at least I'm not numb anymore. Mostly, anyway. I am kinda curious how in the world I'm going to sleep tonight. . . (I always sleep on my face. . . lol) Guess I'll figure it out. :) If I ever get tired. . .

It was good to see Matt posting again. =) Wish Joe would put something up, but I guess he's kinda busy now. . . /poke Joe Hehe. :) Mike should too, but I'm not sure if his computer is working. . . He needs to fix it or get a new one. I suppose that's not really on his list of things to buy next though. ;) =D

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