Friday, August 15, 2008

Jazz, it's good.

Jazz is cool. I like the trumpets. And it has a softer background beat. I like it. "Say It With Trumpets" is a good song.

I'm leaving for school sometime around the end of the month. My last day of work is next Thursday. I have oral surgery on Friday. And then I have the next week to pack and get everything I need, and prepare as much as possible. I really hope the school got my check today. . . If they didn't, I'll probably have to give them another 50 bucks when I get there. Even though I sent it on Monday.

Cheese is good, too. Icecream wins though. Icecream and cereal - the staples of life. ;)

There was a bat in the house last night/this morning. I think bats are cool, but it's kind of freaky when you wake up and there's one flying around in your house. I felt bad for waking Dad up. . . . I probably should have just left it alone. Ah well. . . What can I do now?

I really, really, really like Burn Notice. It's a newer show on USA (Thrusday at 10pm; watch it), and it's awesome. I like the characters so much. Michael Weston is awesome. And NOW! Now they have Daniel from Stargate on it. :) I've always liked the way he acts. In this one, he's kind of a trigger-happy/lunatic-ish guy though. It's interesting. And very cool. =D I'm going to miss it when I go away.

Pysch isn't as good as it was at first. In my opinion. Maybe it's just lost it's novelty or something. /shrug Still a great show though.

I hope my new glasses come in by next Thursday. The lady said that they should, so I'm hoping. It'd be nicer to not have to spend the gas money on an extra trip. Though I might have to go back anyway to pick up a check. . . Not sure about that one. /shrug

Dad and I went to get my name officially changed on Monday. I'm now legally Jennifer Lesa on all my paper work. Yay! :) It was really nice. We don't get to spend much time together because of conflicting work schedules and just . . . stuff. It made me happy, and it was interesting besides. Had some nice talks. =)

Overall, it's been a pretty good week. =) We're going to the circus tomorrow. The Kelly Miller circus. Huh. . . . I couldn't remember the name of it for the life of me when I was telling people about it at work. Now it just came to me. Aren't our brains funny things?

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