Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Then I'd be like, "Ow, it's my foot!"

The above quote was from And yes, it was related. I hurt my foot today. How? I don't know. . . But it sure hurts if I put any pressure on it a certain way. Thankfully, that doesn't prevent me from putting pressure on it other ways. Therefore, I should be okay. Hopefully it won't get worse throughout the week. Actually, I'm hoping that I go to sleep tonight and wake up to it being fine tomorrow. Sleep is powerful like that.

Mike has a good point about insanity. I fully agree. That's what makes Conspiracy Theory such a good movie. Crazy Mel Gibson. :)

Dave needs to blog again. Something. . . less wordy, but just as informative. ;)

We watched "We Were Soldiers" the other day. . . I was fine with all the people dying. I was fine with people getting blown up. I was fine with the shot of the guy burning. I wasn't fine with someone trying to help the guy who'd been burnt and his legs starting to fall off. . . . That really bothered me. In fact, it kinda ruined the entire movie. . . That and the one line after the battle that Mel Gibson had about never forgiving himself for outliving his men. I didn't like the line. But the movie had a lot of great characters.

So I'm hopefully getting my wisdom teeth out soon. They're pushing my other teeth around and it's driving me crazy. . . Like all the time, every day. I feel as if all my bottom teeth are way too far forward.

I think I compartmentalize things too much. But at the same time, it's rather useful. . . And I kind of like that I do it. . . /shrug

I don't know what to do about school. I have enough money on my own for the first required payment. That leaves about five thousand dollars that I don't have. . . The thing is, I'm not sure that I'm supposed to go back to school. And there are things that I want to do at home. At the same time, I want to be there because of the people. I made friends. . . I miss Paula and Sarah Stepp and Steph. But are they worth $8,500? I think it's more that I'm not supposed to be here in Edmore than anything else. Working at McDonald's. That's NOT what I'm supposed to do for another year and a half. . . Relatively certain anyway. What I am supposed to do is another matter. . .

I want to go on a missionary trip. I've always been interested in it. But where to go? What are my options?

The new Batman movie was okay, but it was lacking in the whole Batman department. He wasn't as cool, he didn't have as many witty lines, he didn't do as much, and just all around was like a supporting role, rather than the main character. I'd say more specifically, but I don't want to spoil it.

Church tonight. :) I don't know what I'm going to sing. . . . You'd think out of like four hundred songs that the rest of the church doesn't know, I could think of something. . . . And yet! . . . . Okay, maybe only three hundred they don't know.

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