Thursday, April 5, 2007


So. I'm going to be eighteen. Wow. . . . I'm growing up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that I was only a little tike speed-talking and annoying my brothers to death. (Wait a second! That was yesterday. . . ;)) Anywho. I liked being seventeen, but I'm thinking it's time to move on. Time to progress. Time to . . . . shut. . . up.

I made an unintended pun yesterday. :) . . . *shrug*

It's so cold in my room. . . . Seriously, it's like. . . fifty-two degrees in here. Brrrrr! I'm thinking about getting a little space heater. . . I mean, I have an air conditioner. Space-heater is a lot cheaper and I'd probably use it just as much. Though with the going away to college thing, maybe not. . . Hmm.

One of the managers is thinking about quitting and I really don't want her to. She's so . . . good at it! I love working when she's there. She always knows what's going on, always has everyone where they're supposed to be and she helps out where the crew is weakest. Honestly, she's probably the best manager I've worked with and I've worked with almost all of them. So I asked her to stay till the fall. Heh. I don't think she's going to. . . which means that I have a better chance of getting promoted. And I'd take the promotion if it were offered. Indeed. I'd have to learn a lot, but I learn well. I was practicing wrapping sandwiches with my empty wrapper on my break today. Hehe.

Yesterday, I was stressed out about what was going to happen today. I was really nervous about it and praying a lot about it. Funny thing happened. Last night, my brother was stressed out about having to preach and then he didn't have to because we cancelled. Yesterday, I was stressed about being in back DT, and then today I didn't even have to be in back DT. . . . I think God's teaching me something (like not to stress out about uncertain circumstances). Hopefully, I won't forget it next time something stressful comes along.

1 comment:

David said...

haha! I remember using empty wraps to show lots of people how to wrap. And yes, I did practice with them too.

Back DT is terrible. Only dumb managers put the best worker back there, so if you are the best and you don't have a dumb manager then you should be good to go.