Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rain, Rain, Comment

It's raining again. And windy. I like it. It reminds me of home. And of days with my little sister. I get to go home soon for a visit. Not SOON, soon, but soon. :)

One day while we were jumping on our trampoline, it was windy and we came up with a song together. It's our song. Someday when she's all grown up we'll probably laugh about it and she'll wonder how we were so silly. But for now, it's our song.

It's hard to write when things don't change much. It's almost my birthday and it doesn't feel like it could be. It's weird living here. The seasons aren't the same so in a way, I feel like time is never going by. Months pass and I wonder, "Where did that go?" Michigan weather makes things more exciting, I must say. Haha. Maybe we'll get an earthquake this year and that will be an event to mark off time.

I've started posting my compositions on Grooveshark. If you know my real name, you should be able to search for me on there (without needing to make a profile or anything) and find them all. I still haven't come up with what to do about the songs with lyrics. . . . I need a way to put the words up in time with the music - like on a Youtube video - but I don't know how to make a Youtube video. Haha. Plus, I don't much like YouTube.

And for the comment on two posts ago - wish I knew who you were, but thanks for commenting anyway. :) It's rare that this blog gets any traffic.

1 comment:

K. Schmidt said...

Even now I think it's silly, but it will always be our song.
I want to say I'm sorry, perhaps you'll never know. I'm sorry I have never been there for you as you were for me.
I love you, my sister, I love you, my friend.