Monday, April 28, 2008


28th now and it snowed again. Just thought I'd share that fact.

The wedding was last Saturday. Dave and Kaylynn are married and off somewhere on their honeymoon. I haven't heard anything from them or from anyone else about them. Someone asked me if they're doing alright or where they are. How should I know? I'll probably be the last one to hear if they're still alive even.

The whole wedding affair went pretty well though, in my opinion. I rather enjoyed it. And I almost cried a few times. Poor Mom. . . I don't think she stopped crying. And then people were like, "You're supposed to be happy!" Wha??? She was happy. She was also having to let go. Leave her alone, people. Like you didn't have mixed emotions when your kids got married. As if anyone expected you NOT to cry. Sheesh. . . .

White glove is tonight. . . I really, really, really hope that we cleaned well enough and don't have to pay any fines or anything. . . I'm afraid the floor wasn't clean enough. . . Guess we'll find out. I'm hungry. It's only a quarter after four. . . Although I did eat lunch at eleven something. That's probably why.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting. I just have to work for about six hours on a computer/music project. Yeah, that's all. I was going to work on some of it tonight, but there's a bunch of stuff going on. An icecream party thing and then my dorm is having a bonfire. Weather-permitting. Or rather Lord-willing. Personally, having the thing in the basement if the weather isn't nice sounds better than sitting outside (It's cold!!). But we'll see. I don't really care. If it's not mandatory (I think it is. . .), I probably wouldn't do it at all. Heh heh. (Not the icecream thing - I want to do that for sure. =D)

. . . I'm really hungry. . . . I thought there was something else I was going to write about. . . Oh, my test this morning was pretty easy. Actually, so far, none of them have really been too bad. And I just have two left. Whoo! T. Woot.

Oo! Dr. Phelps preached in chapel today! =D It was a happy day. All last week we had special chapels, presenting awards and all sorts of random things. But today we went back to the preaching. =D YAY!!!! It was good. I like him a lot. . . . Reminds me of Pastor. I think they'd get along pretty well. And Uncle Pete too. =D

This is most likely the last time I will post during this semester. I should be leaving around 1:30pm Wednesday the 30th. Two days. I think it's about time to start counting down the hours. In about 45 hours I will be leaving. In about 51-52, I'll be home. =D

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