Thursday, December 13, 2012

First Shots

Today, Evelynn got two shots at the pediatrician's office. It was probably as traumatic for me as it was for her. It's hard watching her get hurt, harder when Zack and I are the ones making the decision for her to get hurt.

And yet, we do it because we think it's best for her.

It occurred to me on the way home today that she won't remember that pain, but I will. The whole thing is very bright in my memory, not that I like to think about it. And then I wondered how much pain God had brought to me for my good that I can't even remember now. How many of my tears has He captured forever that I've long forgotten?

It puts things in a different perspective. She didn't do something to deserve that pain. It wasn't a punishment. It wasn't discipline. It was for her to have a happy healthy life.

Having made that decision for her, it makes me wonder how much God has hurt for me when I'm in pain that I never appreciated before. Somehow, I always assumed that knowing something is good for someone takes the pain out of it. Somehow, I thought because He knows it's best that He didn't hurt for me.

I'm not looking forward to the next bout of shots; I wonder how much the Father wasn't "looking forward" to the cross. We know about Jesus' side of it, about His prayer in the garden. I don't think we usually think of the Father's side. After today, I think He was weeping right along with His Son.

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