Thursday, August 12, 2010

August Tears

Hey. It's been a while, I know. Probably have lots to update, but I'm just going to go through the basics.

1. Church building and reception hall are confirmed.
2. Wedding dress is ordered and should be arriving sometime in December (hopefully, early in the month, but we'll see).
3. My honey is still the best guy for me.

I miss him really bad right now. I was watching this tear-jerker of a video about soldiers coming home and surprising their families. Not a good idea if I want to keep from dwelling on how much I miss him and how much distance is between us, and how long it's going to be before it's not just seeing him for a few weeks at a time. Five months can seem like a really long time. On the other hand, looking at it like, "I'm getting married in five months!" makes it seem much closer. Haha. (Always a silver lining.)

Anyway. I miss you, Love. August cannot go by fast enough. Hugs and kisses.

(Do written things count as public displays of affection? I don't think I know the rules about that stuff. . . .)

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