Friday, June 27, 2008


So I got out of work early today. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to; it wasn't like it was a bad day so far. But it was nice. And I don't think Kaity (How exactly does she like it spelled, Mike?) wanted to go home. She hasn't been having as many hours lately. Anyway, I was tired and it worked out.

Dad started teaching me how to drive his motorcycle the other day. It was sooooo cool. :) I loved it. I've thought it would be really neat to drive a motorcycle for a while now, and then he just offered to teach me. I was so scared at first. But it was exciting. I killed the engine like twelve times, but he didn't seem very worried about it.

I have the Fourth off. And I don't work weekends, so I'll be free Saturday too. Yay! :D I'm excited. I was surprised that I got it off because the request book was already full. But I have connections. Mike says the scheduling manager has a crush on me. Hehe. /shrug I can't help it if I'm cute. ;) He (Tom, the manager) was hilarious this morning. . . He'd had too much coffee. Running around and so hyper. It was cute.

I like our pool. I accidentally spilled the chlorine in it though. . . I don't know if Katie told anybody . . . I probably should have mentioned it to Mom last night, but she came in with oodles of strawberries and I got excited. Kaylynn and I then proceeded to stem them all and Mom made jam and stuff. :D It was nice. And very domesticated. Hehe.

I miss my friends. I try to be around, but conflicting work schedules rot. I also miss being able to stay up late. . . Well, later than 10:30. . . lol Getting up at 5am isn't so much fun. Ah, well. I continue to survive.

Yesterday was stressful. It made me sad. Today was better.

Well, I should be off to do something productive. (That means practice the piano or the violin.) I probably won't though. . . . Hehe. :)

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