Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's extremely hard to get back into the routine of school after being out of it for a week. A blessed week of relaxation. Yet I find my brain doesn't want to turn back on, it doesn't want to finish up. It's exhausting fighting with yourself for every inch, every sentence, every chord and every minute of practice. Somehow in the fight, I got an 11/10 on a quiz today. Hurray for small victories. Hurray for short-term goals. My goal is Saturday. By that time, I will hopefully have my research paper completed and my two of my other projects done. It's a lot of work when you don't want to do anything. It's a lot anyway. If I can do it, next week will be so much nicer.

I've been tired since Sunday morning. I've been sleeping well. I'm not sick. But I've been tired since Sunday morning. I've been exercising. Eating healthier. I feel so exhausted. All day. My eye was twitching today. It's done that sporadically since a while ago when I got extremely stressed. It twitched for two or three days.

I've been trying to be friendlier, to not sit alone. To not wear black all the time. Black is a good color though. :P But still. I wore white and blue today. I smiled and said "hi" to random people that I passed. There was a guy one day who was like, "HI!" randomly. We'd met once or twice, not really said anything to each other. I giggled and said, "hi" back. It was nice. I like people like that. Sonny Snyder was like that. Mike V. is like that. . . Nice people.

I thought the library closed at nine. But it's nine now and no one has told us to leave. Maybe it closes at half past.

My back hurts. I was stretching and I think I did something bad to it. . . . Woot.

I need to go read some Psalms. . . I've been trying to memorize 61. I think I had half of it. It's only eight verses. Should work on it tonight. And study a little for my quiz tomorrow. Didn't do as well on the last test as I wanted to. . . Hmm. I wonder if I can meet with the teacher to look it over tomorrow. I'm curious.

I miss people. I miss hugs. I miss laughing. For no reason about something that really wasn't that funny. I miss home.

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