Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Yes, I came to a realization. I don't like "head-learnin'." I like action learning. If it's practical. If it isn't, I'd better be able to memorize it. Thus, my dislike of school. It's a bunch of stuff I won't use and stuff I can't memorize. Makes things difficult. (Why I love my NT class; I can memorize everything.)

First and second hour classes are cancelled tomorrow because we're supposed to get an enormous blizzard. It started earlier this evening, but I haven't checked it's progress for a while. That means I only have to go to one class tomorrow. Bwahahahahahaha! =D

Debussey - a 20th century compser. I hate his work. Despise it. Loathe it. Utterly detest it. You can imagine how thrilled I am I left my only Debussey book at home. :) I thought ahead. I considered carefully, "If I bring this, I will probably have to show it to my teacher. Teachers like to make students try new things because it's "good for them." I'm going to just leave it here." And so I did. :) Aren't you proud of me for thinking ahead?

I went to the dress rehearsal of a pianist today (it's like a practice recital before the recital) and she had to play a Debussey song. It was complicated, difficult, memorized, fast, long, and no doubt very trying. I appreciate her talent and how well she played it. But they should have found something that actually sounded nice for her to work on. . . Because what is the good of all those things, if it sounds like a mess? Even worse, it purposefully sounds like a mess. . . Yes, I hate Debussey. Should I ever give lessons, I don't think I could ever require anyone to ever play his compositions. Perhaps, I shouldn't be a teacher. Hehe.

I miss being home. I dream I'm home. Playing cards or video games with the guys. Just being in the house. And then I wake up, and it's all dark, and for about three seconds I think I'm in my own room. And then I turn my head and realize I'm not. . . Generally, I like dreaming, but it's sure been making my days harder lately.

Jessica texts me every now and then. :) It's really nice of her.

I have to go get my laundry. I actually am running out of money. What do you know. lol Guess that's what happens when you go to Wal-mart every week. . . Or more. Ha. I need to put gas in my car. . . . And I owe Dave a couple dollars. Hmmm. . . I really want to go home this weekend. . . It would be soooooooooooooooooooo incredibly nice. . . . SO nice. . . Ho hum.

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