Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I bought a phone. It's small, it's awesome - I love it. :) Call me. Or text message. Those are fun and addicting. Weeeee!

The hamster escaped sometime last night. I went to work without knowing where it was. I came home and we still didn't know where it was. I watched NCIS and wondered where it was.

It's cold again. :D I'm happy.

I love Fall. I love trees. I love the changing seasons and all the colors. The color of orange leaves is the only time I like the color orange. True story.

So we put out all the garbage for the special garbage day, but we forgot the regular bag. . . . Yeah. . . . Someone shoot me.

Mike is now debt free. Why, you ask? Because I remembered all the times he paid for bowling and stuff. Plus, he took me to get my phone and bought pizza like a gazillion times while our parents were away.

I can't wait till Saturday. I'm so looking forward to not having to get up. One day with no alarm set. Mmmmm. :D I love my Friday nights. :D

My cousin is getting married in 11-12 days. . . Yep. That's two in two months. She has a shower on Saturday. I think I'm going but we'll see.

Why is that whenever you buy gas, the prices drop ten cents the next day? *shrug* Life is out to get you. Tread carefully.

We found the hamster sleeping in Katie's room. We put it back and all is well.

I need to go to bed now. It's late. Wishing you all a wonderful month of October.


1 comment:

michael said...

"I'm free! I'm-free-i'm-free-i'm-free-i'm-free! I'm FREE!" - Frank, RDU