Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I am happy, oh, so happy!

*singing* I'm so happy and here's the reason why: my boards aren't crashing anytime soooo-ooon! :D YAY!!!! Yes, I'm relieved and happy and I'm seriously considering running up and down the stairs a few times or dancing around Mom, hugging her. I bet it'll come out after church. . . I just bet.

Poor Mikey has to work tonight. *tsk, tsk* Not going to church. You're as bad as Kaylynn, Mike. ;P

Oh! Another reason to be happy. So I'd totally lost my imagination for like three months and the other day I went outside ('cause it was absolutely gorgeous out there - best day of summer by far) and I jumped on the trampoline and stuff and my mind kicked back into gear. Yippeeee! :D It's great.

Today was a good day at work. . . Telah, one of the managers, is so great. Hehe. She's awesome. And Jarrod was actually pretty cool today too. And Heather and I were talking a little bit, which we've not really ever done before. (Heather T, not Heather G. Heather G. I've talked to plenty.)

The wedding is getting really close! :D I'm excited. I have no clue what I'm going to wear though. . . Hehehe. Oh well. What's it going to matter? I doubt anyone is going to be paying attention anyhow. Hehe.

*dances and twirls and grins* I'm happy. :)

1 comment:

michael said...

Not going to church?? What is that supposed to mean. Of course I went to church.