Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Okay, so. . . . It's in January - on the 29th, to be exact. :) I'm getting married in eight months. Ha! So cool. =)

Went to look at churches today. The idea of "church browsing" is kind of odd to me, but ah, well. Gotta get married somewhere. Then there's the question of, who all do I invite? I have the important people down - all the family and stuff. But. . . . Do I want people from school there? Do THEY want to be there? What about my internet friends that I've met all of once in my life? Maybe just an e-vite? lol I don't think any of them will come anyway though.

It'll be right at the beginning of the new school year. None of them would probably be able to make it. But . . . what if they could? What if they would? What if they actually wanted to? I can't see it. . . . . But I don't like being the one to stop trying. If other people don't want to try, that's their business. I like to try to keep my friends. The problem is, when exactly does a person stop being your friend? I don't know.

I hope all my family can make it. I really do.

I killed my foot somehow. I don't know what I did to it, but it's angry with me apparently. :( It's been objecting quite vehemently to being walked on today.

You know what would be totally awesome? To write a song and have other people really like it. . . . I think that would be like my "dream come true" type of thing as far as being some type of famous goes. . . . I was going to make a meaningful blog post the other day - some deeper things, but all my pizazz for it got lost in transition somewhere. Maybe I'll find it again. For now, it's good to be writing at all. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the wedding I am happy for you.