Sunday, December 27, 2009

Well, it's done.

Christmas is over; the goose is hung; the stockings are burnt; and everyone is sick from eating too much candy and sweets. (Or just plain too much food.) What am I talking about, you ask? I'm not entirely sure, but the previous describes pretty much how I feel about things.

It was good; shorter than most years, but okay. Usually Christmas lasts for like a week. Family Christmas and then going to Grandma's four times to see people. . . . Our Christmas and Grandma's Christmas are too far apart this year. lol Oh well. Whatcha gonna do?

Side note: Firefox accepts "gonna" as a real word. Strange, no?

Yesterday was our three month anniversary. :) "Our" refers to Zack and me, obviously. Seriously, how could you NOT know that? You're so whack, Ed. (Get it? /nudge, nudge /wink, wink)

I must be bored. . . . Lots of cleaning to do the next two weeks. My wookumshnookiepums is going to be here in twelve days. Hey! No wonder I was singing twelve days of Christmas this morning in the shower. . . . Ha. Just figured that one out. =D

. . . . Why am I telling you???

It would be really cool if Firefox recognized "wookumshnookiepums" as a real word. Just think about it for a minute - it would.

A note on Football: Tampa Bay beat the Saints??!?!? A 2-12 team beat a 13-1 team. . . . . Crazy. . . . Why can't that happen with the Lions? And the Colts lost today, too. . . . Now no one has a perfect record. . . . It's kind of sad.


michael said...

"wookumshnookiepums" is awesome!!

Zack Shrout said...

Oh why thank you :)