Monday, April 6, 2009

Less than two hours

In less than two hours, I will no longer be a teenager. I will have passed into the life of twenties. (Not the 1920's.)

My uncle died in his twenties. . . Twenty-six, actually. I've thought for quite some time that 26 is a good age. He would have been thirty-two this year, I do believe. Six years can seem like a long time in ways. In others, it seems like it was just yesterday with a night full of dreams in between.

I have very detailed dreams. They used to get me into trouble because I wouldn't remember them upon waking up, but later they would come to mind like old memories. It took me a while to realize how to differentiate between the two. Sometimes I had to ask people if it ever happened. And they would look at me like I was crazy. Hehe.

It's been very windy today, and the wind is blowing my curtains out a little right now. Snow on any holiday seems to make it better. I think it's because of the anticipation of Christmas. There's just something about seeing fresh snow on the ground when you wake up in the morning. Yes, I'm hoping to wake up to fresh snow tomorrow. Although, I hope the roads stay good for my dad and brother. Mike has to work all night tonight. I'm going to miss him a lot when he gets married and moves out. . . :(

I'm very tired. But I really like my book, and I want to keep reading it. It's a Dungeons and Dragons book, Mike said. I never would have thought of it that way if he hadn't said anything. It's fantasy, like LotR or SW or WoT. I wouldn't have looked at the book and thought, "Oh, a DnD book!" I read through more than half of it, and there were plenty of dungeons and dragons and it never occurred to me. Who's going to point out those obvious things when he moves out? Who's going to Wikipedia my books and figure out the ending and tell it to me before I'm there? Hehehe. =)

You know, loneliness and homesickness are very similar feelings. . . Completely different reasoning for them, with completely different desires behind them, but the types of feelings are similar.


VanSneak said...

What's the name of the book?

Varda said...

Dragonlance Chronicles: Dragon's of Autumn Twilight. It was alright.