Monday, January 26, 2009

Should be doing. . .

I should be sleeping. Or reading. Or doing something other than sitting at my computer. But I'm not. . .

I'm not tired. Probably because I sleep in as long as I want/need to every day. Ah, the life of unemployment. I should be getting a job, and yet I don't feel any pressure to do so. I can't decide if it's a type of laziness (though I've been trying very hard to stay busy and help out at home) or if it's just knowing that God's in control of when I find a job and which job I find. /shrug I probably should have gone out looking today though. . .

Been playing a lot of Hero's Quest lately. Great old Atari game. I have the original one too, not the redone one that doesn't look right. The only sad part is that the sound doesn't work. :( Very sad because it had good music. Like most old games. And even some new ones.

I've been happy lately. Happier over a longer period of time than I've been in. . . maybe ever. . . It's not just a happy feeling. It's just. . . /shrug I don't know. It's nice. :) I'm relatively certain it's because I've been spending more time reading the Bible. I'm trying to read the NT fifteen times this year. That's 4050 chapters in 365 days, about eleven chapters a day. Very doable. Especially without a job or school. Heh. It's been going pretty well so far.

Politics seems to be all people are talking about lately. Or at least, the most of what people are talking about. I can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I don't care. Really. . . Why spend all your time thinking about what Obama is going to do, or is trying to do, or what the banks are doing and what you think people should be doing? The verse starts with "Fear God" then it says "Honor the king." Think about God first, then think about the government. Do we spend more time thinking about the banks and the stock market and the economy and all that stuff than we do about God and Who He is? Maybe not. But I do know that the economy and the state of our country is spoken of more.

But to what extent should I be detatched? It seems wise to be at least somewhat informed of what's going on in the country. I mean, there's nothing wrong with knowing what's happening. And yet, I don't care. Apathy comes easy to me in this area. Heh.