Thursday, August 16, 2007

My apologies

Sorry it's been almost a month since I've posted. I've been busy. . . and tired. And. . . stuff. Actually, I still feel busy and tired. Ha. Anyway. Life. . . Hmmm.

Work is going well. I like it. Kinda dreading next week because neither Beth nor Telah are going to be around and I'm not sure who's going to be working. That could be okay or a big pain. . . . Hopefully, most of the time it'll be Jen. Jen's cool. With Beth and Hope leaving/quitting, maybe I'll be up for a raise. . . :) One could hope. That could help with my college plans. Also, it'd be nice to put on a future resume. I was a manager at 18. Yeah, that'd be nice. It's not great, but it's better than just having been a normal crew-person.

There's a rumor that Heather might come back. Though, I'm not sure if they'd let her because she has a few more piercings and stuff now, I think. . . . *shrug* I don't think she'd want to anyway, but there aren't many jobs so . . .

Beth invited me to go bowling with her and a bunch of her friends. . . I don't know them, and I don't really enjoy bowling. Actually, I just don't like games. But that's a whole different topic. So do I go? Or do I use the excuse that it's a Saturday night and I can't be out that late? What if it's not that late though? . . . Hmmmm. Wisdom is a thing to be sought after.

My boards are back. =D I'm happy about that. Although. . . . None of the cool people have been on much. Pallando, WE (Robin), and Talon (Ethan, er. . . Evan ;)) are all in college. Why did everybody have to go to college? lol Oh, well.

I'm going to be so bored this semester, I think. . . . Thankfully, I should be working about 40 hours a week, so that should keep me mostly busy and keep my mind off of despressing subjects. . . . Like how my cousins are all getting married. . . . Great for them, less fun for me. (Not to sound selfish, but it IS my blog. . . . Okay, I'm just selfish. I'm sorry.)

The violin is going well. I think I'm making progress. I think I have an easier time "plunking" out tunes, so to speak, on it. I wonder why that is. . . Sometimes I could swear my fingers know things better than my head. Hehe. I hear a note in my head and my fingers play it without me having to figure it out. It's so cool. =D

My uncle wrote this poem and I have music to it in my head, but I need to fix it. I should work on that sometime. . . It's not easy. My "compositions" are all simple, short pieces that I just put together. lol It ends up sounding disjointed (probably cause it is). That's probably because I don't put enough effort into it though. . . Or time. . . Heh.

I miss Mike. . . We don't get to see each other as much. . . . :( Bleh.

Kaylynn is cool. I gave my blessing. Which is all that really matters. Dave knows this. ;)

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