Friday, June 15, 2012

Oh Politics. . . .

You know those verses in Proverbs that say one after the other "Answer a fool according to his folly" and then "Answer not a fool according to his folly?" I seem to run into many situations online where I'm left wondering, Is this the time to answer or to just let it go?

Internet trolls are one thing and the advice, "Don't feed the troll" is, in my opinion, usually sound. It makes sense. Like when your older brothers tease you in order to make you mad - if you don't get mad, they either step it up (and hopefully get scolded) or they give up and you win. =)

But then there are those people who aren't just trying to be foolish, or trying to get to you - they're actually fools who say really dumb things. And since it's the internet and you're seeing this on your friend's friend's status, it's hard to tell if they're actually being a fool, or being a troll.

Today, I happened to look at Congressman Amash's voting report, which he has faithfully given us since taking office. If for no other reason than that he hasn't given up on that part of things, I admire the guy. But that's beside the point. He voted "yes" on a bill that was supposed to cut some military spending, something about developing more nukes, it sounded like. And someone made a comment, "So leave us defenseless korea and china and iran would love that."

Is that guy serious?? When you have enough firepower to blow up half the world, do you really need enough to blow up the ENTIRE world in order to feel secure? Honestly???? It's not like Star Wars where you can blow up a planet, and yeah, it's sad, but it really doesn't impact a whole lot. If ONE major nation were wiped out, that would have an ENORMOUS impact on how our world runs. Think about it. When Greece was having (is having? Been a while since I've heard about them. . . ) all that financial trouble, there was talk that it could take down the entire European economy. Greece. How often do we in America hear about Greece, think about Greece, care about what's going on in Greece? But we would certainly care if Greece went down and that took France and Spain and Britain and Germany with it.

Also, what good will it do us to spend all our money on producing weapons if then China calls up our debt and, oh oops! Now we can't pay the guys who know how to shoot the weapons and drop the bombs. Yeah. . . . It's like people think the "military" is a robot - not a bunch of people who need to, you know, eat and sleep and pay the electric bill otherwise their alarm won't go off and, oh boy, now there's no one to shoot down that incoming missile. It's as if all the movies about the machines taking over have made people actually believe that's how it goes. From Terminator to Iron Man 2, we don't have to risk human lives because the machines can do it - that's not how things actually work. Somewhere, there's a Person pulling a trigger or pushing a button - and that person is what's keeping us safe. Not the threat of us making more nukes.
Anyway. . . .I was thinking about responding, but I couldn't decide if he was the fool you talk to or the fool you ignore - so I figured I'd leave it be. Chances are someone else will respond anyway. With politics, they almost always do.

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