Sunday, September 13, 2009


I wrote this yesterday (Saturday) morning. I posted it on Facebook, but it wouldn't let me tag people so that seemed a little pointless. Anyway. It's morbid - you've been warned.

Seconds ticking by, I hear them
Minutes passing by my head
Hours, I've lost so many of them
So few left before I'm dead

Life is only just beginning
Just the start of what I crave
Waited such a long time for it
Far too soon, it's Death I'll brave

In the harsh of coldest winter
In the heat of mid-summer's eve
Time goes marching ever onward
Passing through like sand in sieve

Working, resting, crying, laughing
Always time to contemplate
Time to think and wonder - waiting
How quick I move to meet my fate

There he stands; I see him clearly
Better than I'd hoped he'd be
There we stand; he holds me dearly
As I share what doctors see

Such a moving of emotions
Such a groan from him is torn
How my heart is breaking for him
How, for him, my death I mourn

My beloved is my only -
Only thought and only care
How I pray he moves on quickly
E'en as now, at Death, I stare

Seconds ticking by, I hear them
Minutes passing by my head
Hours, I've lost so many of them
Not one left before I'm dead

Life was only just beginning
Just the start of what I'd craved
Waited such a long time for it
Last exhale - it's Death I've braved.


David said...

wow...That was very sad, but good. Very well written, imo. Fyi, I think you missed an 's' in the first line, on second's'.

Varda said...

Ah, yes, thank you.

Yeah, I don't really know where it came from. . . . Just that kind of day yesterday. lol I wrote the whole thing in like less than twenty minutes. . . . Which is pretty good for me. lol