Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Moral Issue?

The question is as follows: Is it morally wrong to use a version other than the King James Bible?

I find such a proposition impossible. If it were, how many people would we know who are in constant sin? How many on Dad's side of the family use the NIV? What of the Haitians who only have the equivalent of the NIV in their language? Are they doomed because of it?

If it were morally wrong, they could never be right with God. But we know that God doesn't allow His children to remain in unconfessed sin. So either they're not saved, or it's not wrong. I can't believe that Heidi is a Christian and also believe that it's morally wrong to use the NIV over the KJV. Thus, I find it impossible to believe that this is a moral issue.

What, then, is it? A matter of personal preference? A matter of what's best? I don't know how to classify it. If it can't be morally wrong to read the NIV, can it be morally right to read the KJV? Is the person who holds to the KJV automatically a better Christian because of it? Is it impossible to find, by the Holy Spirit's leading, the same theology in the English Standard as you'd find in the King James? Dare we limit Him so, to think that He cannot teach us just as much from one version or another? Or is it that we think He just won't? But why, if it isn't right or wong?

Perhaps, you never thought it was wrong. Perhaps, you still do. For me, I cannot condemn it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Confusion in the ranks!

Apparently there were some questions about why I would write such a thing about deception in my previous blog post. Basically, because it's true and it was on my mind. I was in no way condoning such action; just stating facts. All cleared up now? ;)

There were a lot of things I was supposed to do, a lot of things I was supposed to talk to people about, a lot of . . . stuff that I was hoping to get done last weekend. . . . lol Yeah. Family get-togethers are not very conducive to productivity. ;) Ah well. Such is the nature of socializing.

I'm hungry. I think my stomach got used to "feasting" mode. . . . Silly tummy. Feasts are for kids!

I don't like this in-between weather. It's not cold enough to need long-sleeves, but it's not warm enough that you're fine in short-sleeves. Booooooo. Oh, also, Steelers? Boooooooo! And a HISS for good measure. ;) Bleh, Ben Rothlisburger. Bleeeeh. (I hope I butchered his ridiculous last name. ;) Haha.)

I'm not at school anymore! =D YAY!

I thought that deserved a little bit of celebration. :) You know what else deserves joyousness? One-month anniversaries. :) How fun. Teehee. :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's almost over!

October, that is. :) Yay! I generally prefer October to November, but not this year. Probably not next year either. . . . Hmm. We shall see.

I am poor. No, really. I'm broke. . . . No monies. My car insurance is due soon. I can't pay it. I'm going to go put an application in at the local Burger King. I didn't go there earlier this week because they seem to never be hiring and my brother worked there and gained my family an unhappy reputation with one of the higher ups. But now there's a sign out, so it's definitely worth a shot. :)

Deception is an easy thing. Making up a story and sticking to it and not getting it confused with the facts is really not as hard as TV makes it look. You just have to think it through before implementing it. Ask all the questions yourself before anyone else has the chance. Iron out the kinks.

I have no idea what kind of food Burger King serves. . . . Whoppers. . . . And delicious breakfast sandwiches. . . . Do they even have any chicken??

I keep debating with myself if I should put controversial things on here. And obviously, I keep not doing it. It's not that I'm a chicken. (At least, that's not the only reason. . . .) I just don't know if I could do it well enough without writing a fourteen-page post. And I'm not good at those; I get side-tracked far too easily.

In closing, have a quote that's been on my Facebook for two or three days: Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.

There's a lady bug flying around, bumping into my ceiling. . . . Shh, little Lady Bug! Shh!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Christmas in October?

I've been in a very Christmas-y mood today. It's cold and rainy and if it were only snowing, I would be thrilled. lol Listening to Celtic Woman: A Christmas Celebration isn't helping any, but hey. . . . I like Christmas. And Christmas music is rather emotionally charged. It's nice now and then. :)

My boyfriend gave me an iPod. :)

Unrelatedly, Apple is too complicated. lol ;) Not really. I think my computer has problems though. lol It kept arguing with me. Getting rebellious in it's old age. *tsk, tsk*

So I was working on this duet for two of my piano students. It took quite a while - lots of thought and time and figuring it all out. And now I really doubt it's going to work out. lol Ah, well. I tried, and shall continue to try. Maybe I can make it simpler. . . .

You know what's a weird feeling? Realizing that everything you wanted in general is happening with very sharp details that are nothing like you could have ever expected. It's quite bewildering. It's like saying, "I wish I had a car," and six years later a shiny, red convertible rolls into your driveway for no apparent reason. Lots of things go through your head (all completely monotone because of the shock). "Where did this come from? . . . . Cool, a CD player. . . . I was thinking green. . . . Convertibles aren't much use in the winter. . . . Oo, leather seats. . . ." etc. etc.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Truly, deeply loathing. . . .

Private joke there, sorry for most of you. lol

So I'm home from California. It's nice to be home - I like my room and my bed and Michigan. And I also miss being there. Not that I miss CA, mind you - I don't. It's hot and crowded. Also, expensive. Though not for me. . . . Hm. I went to CA for six days and it cost me all of eight dollars . . . . That seems very wrong to me. . . . But anyway.

I miss Zack. And all the random quoting of bizarre things that we did. That was fun. =) And someone around here needs to buy the game "Munchkin." lol

I'm getting the need to write. I'm not sure if it's because I've been reading, or because of the new experiences of last week. But still. I'm getting jittery - I need to write something soon.

So. . . . I should go clean my room. It's been a bit disaster-esque since I've been home. lol

It is Fall-ish here. :) I love Michigan. Pretty falling leaves. =)