Thursday, October 30, 2008

No School!!!

So because our President is awesome, he declared tomorrow a holiday and we don't have any classes! :D :D :D I LOVE Dr. Phelps!!! =D Not just because he gives us days off. Also, because he seems like a really good and trustworthy man, and I like his preaching. Makes me feel like I'm at home or listening to my Uncle Pete or something. :)

We rearranged our room yesterday for "devotions." It's more like room-bonding time. Really. If it even happens at all, it's pretty much all of us just doing something together. Last week, we made signs for our door. (Personal info signs.)

I'm going to try to get ahead in my homework tomorrow. I don't think it's going to be easy though. I think I'm going to want to take the day off. But if I work tomorrow, then maybe I can take like . . . half of Saturday off or something. :) And sleeping in will be good no matter what happens.

We have a very strict "bed-time" tonight. Hehe. We're all supposed to be in bed with all the lights off by eleven. Usually, we just have to have the big light off and be off the internet. By midnight, we're supposed to have the lights off and be trying to sleep. So it's a little different tonight. It makes me wonder if the guys are doing it at all or not. . . . I mean, really. The guys are the ones who stay up till 2am playing video games. It's extremely rare that a girl would do that. At home, I might. At school? Nope. Even if I could, I wouldn't. lol

I miss playing cards with my siblings.

Locking your roommates out of the room three times in one night is kind of fun. They don't like it so much, but. . . yeah, it's funny. :) I bring my keys with me everywhere. Hehe.

I strained my hand last night playing lots of octaves on clarinova pianos for an hour. It hurts today. So I didn't play at all today. I probably should have. Oh well!

I'm going to enjoy my day off tomorrow. =D You all should get a day off. Do you for Halloween?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Snow!!! :D

It's about time it snowed. I mean, it's already late October. Don't worry though; most likely it'll get pretty warm again in November. /sigh I like winter. I like the cold. And I like snow. Mostly, I like wind. Wisconsin's wind doesn't disappoint. =)

I found out today that I was five more days than I thought till I get to go home. . . . It made me sad. I miss home. I miss our yard. And I miss jumping on the trampoline in the fall. I miss Mike randomly deciding that we should go throw the football around for a while. I miss Katie coming and singing with me at the piano. I miss my piano, out of tune as it is.

Midterm grades came in today. I have four As, an A-, and one B. Not bad, but I'm not taking very many credits. I kind of wish I had more and then sometimes I'm happy with how it is. I don't know what to do next though. I mean, I have a plan. . . . I'm just not crazy wild about it. Oh well. Guess you just learn to deal with some things.

I came into this semester and looked at my four roommates and was worried about only one. Funny thing, she's now like my favorite. Hehe. It's weird. Last semester I kind of thought she was stuck up and not friendly and kind of crabby all the time. She's not. She's just rough around the edges a bit, which I actually find refreshing after spending time with my other roommates. lol Jess is a total goody-two-shoes and very opinionated about it. VERY opinionated. I thought I was bad. Not even close. And Brie just acts really blonde. I tend to have little patience with people like that. Which is not to say I don't get along with them. I do. We hang out quite a bit. It's just refreshing to have Ally around now and then.

Who is the fourth roommate you ask? Hannah. She's cool. She's probably the most balanced of us all. She's smart and down to earth and yet she can have the most hilarious blonde moments. She's just incredibly busy and so I hardly see her. Which is much like it was last semester too. Hehe.

I have all my homework done early today. And I'm ahead again in my OT reading. Yay! :) That was a total accident. Hehe. I thought all of Job was due today but it was only the first half. So now I'm like 30 chapters into Psalms. Whoohoo. :) I'm going to try to get way ahead in that over Thanksgiving too. Not sure how well that will work, because I don't generally do well with school on vacations, but I can try. I should probably do more homework tonight and I probably will just because going to sleep before 11pm is pretty much impossible for me in a room with four other people. . . /shrug

I've been saying "like" more. . . . . It bothers me. Pretty much all my roommates say it twice a sentence. Or more sometimes. It bothered me more at the beginning of the semester, but I guess I got used to it. Thankfully, I haven't started typing with an excessive amount of "like"s yet. Hehe. If I do, someone hunt me down and slap me.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Guess which day it is.

That's right. It's Saturday. This one wasn't as bad as some. Not great. But not bad. People were actually around a little to talk to. That's always cool.

I wonder sometimes if I'm too independent of people. . . But how can you not be when you know that no matter what people do you're going to be fine? I mean, really. . . . There's nothing that someone can do that will forever hurt me. There is no hurt or sorrow or pain that can continually overwhelm me. Because eventually, even if it hurts for the rest of my life here, I'll die. And then I'm fine. Better than fine, actually. But you get the idea.

So am I too independent? Is it bad to not need anyone for anything? Is it bad to make sure I don't have to depend on someone? It's safer. But it's a lot more lonely. If only people were trust-worthy. If only people didn't disappoint. But they do. /shrug

There was a formal-ish event at school on Thursday. It was in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Maranatha. It was pretty cool and all about the founder and how God worked in his life to allow him to get MBBC started. It was very interesting and the music was good. And Mr. Vegter was amazing. I went alone. My roommate says not to say that because we sat together. . . But we didn't go together. It's just not the same thing.

Well, it was a not so eventful week. In closing, if your parents didn't have children, chances are you won't either.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Motivation = Necessity

I haven't been very motivated at all this semester, kind of just coasting along, not really worrying about it. It just about did me in last night/today. I kept putting off all my homework because I didn't really think it was that much. I mean, I've had homework all semester and what needs to get done, gets done on time. Mostly. I had a couple of memory glitches about what reading was due. But anyway.

So last night I realized that today I had a test, a quiz, 10+ chapters of II Chronicles left to read, and an enormous amount of Spanish homework. I had remembered most of it and planned accordingly - wasn't going to be a problem. Then I remembered the rest of it. . . And started freaking out just a little. Eventually, I got almost all of it done. I did pretty well on my test, aced my quiz, finished my reading, and had all my homework done. I didn't do well on the quiz in Spanish, but up until today he said he wasn't recording them, so I really wasn't worried about it. . . Now I'm slightly worried. I'm not going to be able to take the weekends off so much any more. Which really isn't a problem, except that I'm lazy and like to not do homework on the weekends. lol Should probably get over that, eh? Yeah, I think so.

Dr. Morales seemed like he needed a hug today. Really. The man kills himself with all the stuff he tries to do. And yet, it makes him so very admirable. . .

Oh! Exciting news. I thought I would be getting about a B- maybe C+ in Spanish. *drum roll* A- That's right, I have an A. =D I was sooooooooooo thrilled. It could be better, and it's going to be hard to keep it where it is, but I have an A! =D (And the peasants rejoiced.)

28 days till I'm home. =)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wait, what?

Spanish was nasty today. I think he was actually mad at us. Not that I blame him. He just got so stressed and then it was like he broke. . . And started laughing. For a minute I wondered if he was going to go Chuck Norris on us with his black-belt karate skills. lol Not really. Although it would have been really . . . interesting if he did. He threw his shoe because of me today. That's a first. Usually it's because of other people. It kind of made me sad. But not really. It's probably over-due that he do that. lol

So I checked my grades today in Hymnplaying and found that I was getting a C. . . . I think I almost started crying right there in the library. (Not that that's a new experience. But it doesn't usually happen because of grades.) I'm glad I didn't because then I was practicing in the piano lab and my teacher came in and she asked me how it was going and we started talking and she said that that couldn't be right and there was some other explanation for it. So then I was relieved and very happy. I don't get Cs. Bs sometimes. But not Cs. . . . And it's not like I'm not trying in that class either - I am. Anyway. I'm not. Or not supposed to be anyway. So I'm happy. =D (See?)

You know what else makes me happy? Heroes. =D It's SO AWESOME!!! =D But they'd better bring back scar-face Peter. 'Cause he's better. Mr. Bennett is really cool too. =)

Next week I'll have to catch up on Chuck. ;) Hehe. Steph will probably kill me for using her computer all Sunday afternoon. . . . Hehehe. Oh well.

We have this formal type thing (Fall Festival/40th Anniversary of the school) on Thursday and Friday. I don't have a date. lol Shocking, no? Hahahaha. Whatever. God is good. I'm thinking about asking some guy to go with me. . . Thinking about it. Probably won't. But maybe. If there's an opportune moment.

I'm hungry. . . I should go drink a bunch of water. Bleh. lol I'm in a surprisingly good mood. . . It's nice. :) I think it's because of the news about my grade. =) So relieved!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday again. . . Yay?


Saturdays are pretty boring/ugh. Either I do homework, or I do nothing. . . The homework makes the rest of the week a little easier, but usually it doesn't seem to do enough to put up with it. I did some. I always do SOME. But not very much. . . I hate Saturdays. I have for quite a while. Like since high school. They're just. . . They need a schedule. There should be something cool/fun/interesting that happens on Saturdays. There isn't. They're just boring.

II Chronicles is a lot more interesting in the first few chapters than I Chronicles was. Although both of 'em are a lot of what I read in I and II Kings. . . Oh well. You gotta do whatcha gotta do. (I like how the Firefox/Mozilla spellchecker highlights "whatcha" but not "gotta" as spelled incorrectly. Hehehe. That's so. . . wrong. Haha.)

There's this guy that I'm arguing with about Limited Atonement. He seems to think that since because Christ came so that everyone could get saved, that they've all been declared innocent/justified by God. . . . It was rather surprising to me what his stance on the subject was, 'cause I never thought he was that far out there. I mean, I knew about some stuff we disagreed, but they were the less foundational doctrines. Not whether or not God sends people to Hell. . . . Kinda thought we were on the same page with that one. Oh, well.

People don't call me. Well. . . That's not true. Mike calls me. :) On occasion. When he has good news. =) Dave writes me emails saying I owe him money. (Like the contrast between brothers there? Hehehe.) Speaking of which, I need to write him back. . . Hmm. Anyway. People don't generally call me. I call some people. There are other people I would call if I had their number. . . . Or if they had phones. Hehehe. But the people I call don't usually call me. Makes me think that they don't want to talk to me so I shouldn't call them. . . Ever. Sometimes I do anyway. Haha. =D

I should probably call Robin at some point. It's been a while since we've had a good conversation. I miss her. We always had good conversations. Often very . . . . spiritually uplifting conversations too. She's a good friend. She keeps in touch with me - I don't always have to initiate it. It's nice. :)

It's Sweetest Day. . . Apparently this is a Mid-western US thing. . . . I didn't know that till today. I thought it was everywhere. Well. . . At least in the US.

Monday, October 13, 2008

New week.

Monday. Lunes. Did you know that the Spanish week starts on Monday? It does. Do you know how to put accent marks over letters? I do. =) Bwahahaha! ;) (It doesn't work in the blog though. :( How sad.)

I had a test on Friday (OT Survey) and I found out that I only got one wrong and I got the bonus right, so I got a 76/75. (Bonus was worth 2.) Most people go "Yay! That's awesome!" My first tendency is to be disappointed that I missed the one. I really wanted to get a perfect score. It doesn't happen with tests very often in college. In fact, it didn't happen for me with many things after like. . . . third grade. Oh well. I'm happy with my grade. I just would've been happier with a 77/75.

I took a Spanish test today. I'll be happy with another 90%, which is what I got on the first test. I'm nervous though. I was last time too. I really don't know what kind of stuff I may have gotten mixed up or just plain wrong. If I missed a dozen accent marks, I'm doooooooooooomed. ;) No, for all his tough talk, Dr. Morales wants us to succeed so badly that he's relatively nice when he grades. Fair, but nice. He takes into account how hard we're working for it, which is awesome. Really awesome. We love him. He doesn't think we do. But we do. :)

I'm tired. It's only Monday. That's not a good sign. Hehehehehehe.

Oh! My wonderful mother sent me a box and in it was a candy bag for Halloween and in the candy bag were these giant tootsie rolls!!! =D Also, in the box was home-made bread, which is AMAZING!!! =D Getting boxes from home is the best. It makes going to college less sad.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Today is Friday

I didn't do so well this week blogging. Sorry. It wasn't such a good week till yesterday. And there still hasn't been a lot to blog about.

My brother got engaged. :) It makes me happy. I get to be the Maid of Honor. =)

This morning I was going to wear one of my necklaces and I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked and didn't know where it could have been because I wasn't seeing it anywhere. So I went through the whole day praying that I'd find it. Then I looked again and it was right where it was supposed to be; it'd just been hidden by other things. It made me feel happy and stupid at the same time. lol

I don't know what to do with my life. Or rather, I don't know what God wants me to do with my life. It's hard when you think you're supposed to be something, but you have no control whatsoever on actually becoming it. . . /shrug

God is good to us; He gives us friends and family. And then He uses random things they say that really don't apply at face-value, but you just KNOW that it was completely of God. And your friend has no clue whatsoever that what they just said was used of God to smite you and reveal problems in your life. Unless you're like me and you tell them . . . And then they get completely confused. Hehehe. Life is good.

I need to brush my teeth. They feel dirty and it's bothering me. . . .

I wish I had a guy friend to do stuff with. lol Even if he didn't like me, like me. Guys are just more fun. . . . Actually, I really wish my brother were out here. . . . I would have so much more fun. =) Probably get less homework done. . . . But oh well. =D

I want Animal Crackers. . . Hehe.

Friday, October 3, 2008

End of the Week

Yay! :) It's Friday. Yay again! =D

So Wednesday was not a good day. I don't like Wednesdays. Thursday I slept a lot. It was good for me - I needed it. Today has been rather good. :) Which is very nice.

I had a sort of spiritual eye-opener while I was showering today. Then I started to wonder what people did back when they didn't have showers. When, or rather where, did they have great discoveries? I've figured out a lot of things while washing my hair. Haha.

We watched the Vice-Presidential Debate last night here at school. There was a big Republican gathering and we all watched it and cheered for Palin. Hehe. She did well, I thought. I really like her now.

Tomorrow we're having another Dorm Society event. It costs money. . . Oh well. Hopefully, it'll be fun and there will be lots more guys there. Ha.

Well, I need to get ready for dinner. It's about that time. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Everyone has certain things that tick them off. That just . . . BUG them. Hypocrisy bugs me. It doesn't matter if they're saved or unsaved, little kids, adults or elderly - hypocrisy bugs me.

One of the biggest evidences of hypocrisy I've noticed is "Christian swear words." Heck, dang, etc. Do you know what Heck means? Years ago, I looked it up in the dictionary because I wondered if it was one of those words (like darn) that got twisted to mean something that it wasn't intended to mean. Nope. Heck means Hell. That's all it means - that's all it's ever meant. Why - seriously! - why is it then considered less offensive? It means the same thing.

Study languages and you realize that one series of sounds (a word) means the same thing as another. It doesn't matter which word you use, so long as the person you're talking to understands. Therefore, I can say to my Spanish teacher, "?Que?" or "What?" They mean the same thing. There's no difference in the word; just in the noises used to produce the word. Danke, gracias, thanks, merci. All the same word.

Dang? Means damn. Why does it matter that it's not the same word if it has the same meaning? Connotation?? The definition is the same! That's why no one cares when people commenting on dog shows use the word "bitch." It's a female dog! That's what it means. Definition is more important than the connotation. Connotations don't change meaning.

Also, what's the point of those words? To express indignation? Most the time, when people are rightfully indignant about things, they don't even consider using those words to express it. . . Because the only thing to be rightfully upset about is sin. People don't ever say in righteous anger, "Dang it!" . . . Doesn't happen. I've paid attention to this specifically for a few years now. Those words get used when something doesn't go quite our way. Or when we forget or do something stupid. Little things that we shouldn't be getting upset about.

Anyway. Today wasn't so great, so I decided to let it out in a lecture. . . I've been considering this teaching thing more and more, and it might actually be okay. . . . I have no idea what subject I could possibly teach though. . . I'll teach my kids everything, if the Lord wills. =)