Thursday, August 23, 2007

That Thing You Do

So. . . . My cousin's getting married in two days. That's just weird.

I think all my friends are gone again. . . Hmmm. I wonder if there's a song about that. Probably. Speaking of songs, there's this one, called, "That thing you do." Good song. I like it. It's kind of upbeat though for the words. Ah, well. *shrug*

I feel like making something or writing something, but I don't know what. . . . I need to buy some yarn. . . Hmmm. Maybe tomorrow after work. . . Though if it's really hot, I'm so not going to want to go shopping. . . . Hmmm. Pray for more rain, methinketh.

There have been great thunderstorms lately. :D It's SO COOL! :D Thunderstorms make me giddy. I was home (mostly alone) the other night and I almost went out into the torrential downpour. . . I didn't think my mom would think that was a very good idea though. It's crazy the amount of power she has. lol She wasn't even there. Never had to know. I still didn't do it because she wouldn't think it was a good idea. Mothers. ;)

I wish I knew how to do things really well without having to be taught. . . lol It'd be neat to just know. . . Some peope can do that. I'm not one of 'em.

I think this weather is really messing with our instruments. . . The piano sounded absolutely horrible on Wednesday. It was so. . . . Bleh. It was pretty awful. I blame the humidity. And my violin has been more out of tune lately than normal too. It's kind of annoying to have to constantly be trying to get it right. I should probably get used to it though. Hehe.

We watched Walk the Line tonight. It was sad. . . kind of. I thought it was okay. I liked Reese Witherspoon a lot in it and of course, I always like Joaquin Pheonix. (Plus, he just has that awesome name. . . even if it's not his real name. . .) Anyway. Movie made me want to be a singer. lol Despite every bad thing that happened. Almost the entire movie was bad things happening to him, though most of it was his own doing.

And what's up with Dogget (AKA the T-1000 of Terminator) playing the part of the mean dad in movies lately? He does it so well too. . . That always makes me wonder. . .

Well, I'd better get going. "Feeling Good' is another good song. :) "Birds flyin' high, you know how I feel. . . "

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My apologies

Sorry it's been almost a month since I've posted. I've been busy. . . and tired. And. . . stuff. Actually, I still feel busy and tired. Ha. Anyway. Life. . . Hmmm.

Work is going well. I like it. Kinda dreading next week because neither Beth nor Telah are going to be around and I'm not sure who's going to be working. That could be okay or a big pain. . . . Hopefully, most of the time it'll be Jen. Jen's cool. With Beth and Hope leaving/quitting, maybe I'll be up for a raise. . . :) One could hope. That could help with my college plans. Also, it'd be nice to put on a future resume. I was a manager at 18. Yeah, that'd be nice. It's not great, but it's better than just having been a normal crew-person.

There's a rumor that Heather might come back. Though, I'm not sure if they'd let her because she has a few more piercings and stuff now, I think. . . . *shrug* I don't think she'd want to anyway, but there aren't many jobs so . . .

Beth invited me to go bowling with her and a bunch of her friends. . . I don't know them, and I don't really enjoy bowling. Actually, I just don't like games. But that's a whole different topic. So do I go? Or do I use the excuse that it's a Saturday night and I can't be out that late? What if it's not that late though? . . . Hmmmm. Wisdom is a thing to be sought after.

My boards are back. =D I'm happy about that. Although. . . . None of the cool people have been on much. Pallando, WE (Robin), and Talon (Ethan, er. . . Evan ;)) are all in college. Why did everybody have to go to college? lol Oh, well.

I'm going to be so bored this semester, I think. . . . Thankfully, I should be working about 40 hours a week, so that should keep me mostly busy and keep my mind off of despressing subjects. . . . Like how my cousins are all getting married. . . . Great for them, less fun for me. (Not to sound selfish, but it IS my blog. . . . Okay, I'm just selfish. I'm sorry.)

The violin is going well. I think I'm making progress. I think I have an easier time "plunking" out tunes, so to speak, on it. I wonder why that is. . . Sometimes I could swear my fingers know things better than my head. Hehe. I hear a note in my head and my fingers play it without me having to figure it out. It's so cool. =D

My uncle wrote this poem and I have music to it in my head, but I need to fix it. I should work on that sometime. . . It's not easy. My "compositions" are all simple, short pieces that I just put together. lol It ends up sounding disjointed (probably cause it is). That's probably because I don't put enough effort into it though. . . Or time. . . Heh.

I miss Mike. . . We don't get to see each other as much. . . . :( Bleh.

Kaylynn is cool. I gave my blessing. Which is all that really matters. Dave knows this. ;)